USTR – Washington

EU, U.S. to Launch Talks on Comprehensive Trade Deal


Economic ties between the United States and the European Union account for half of the world’s economic output and nearly $1 trillion, or one-third, of the global trade in goods and services.

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U.S. Government on Russia’s Suspension of U.S. Meat Imports

The United States is very disappointed that Russia has taken action to suspend all imports of U.S. meat, which is produced to the highest safety standards in the world.

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USTR Ron Kirk to Depart in Late February

Ron Kirk2

President Obama: “I want to thank Ambassador Kirk for his hard work on behalf of the American people over the past four years. There’s no question Ron delivered results for the American people and for our economy.”

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USTR Ron Kirk Notifies Congress of Intent to Negotiate New International Trade Agreement on Services

The negotiations will begin in Geneva, Switzerland, with a group of 20 trading partners, who represent nearly two-thirds of global trade in services, with the objective of promoting international trade in services and supporting increased U.S. service exports and jobs.

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USTR Ron Kirk Hails Senate Vote to Extend Trade Relations to Russia and Moldova

U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk applauded today’s vote in the U.S. Senate, with overwhelming bipartisan support, to end the application of Jackson-Vanik to Russia and Moldova, and authorize the President to extend Permanent Normal Trade Relations to both countries.

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United States Requests WTO Panel in Case Against Argentina’s Widespread Use of Import Restrictions

U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk announced today that the U.S. has requested the WTO to establish a dispute settlement panel regarding Argentina’s trade restrictive measures applied to all U.S. goods imported into Argentina.

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United States Prevails in Steel Dispute with China

“This is a victory for the United States as well as for American workers and manufacturers,” said Ambassador Kirk.

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USTR Kirk Visits Vietnam, Cambodia to Strengthen U.S.-Asia Trade


U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk concluded meetings with Vietnamese senior officials in Hanoi that covered the U.S.-Vietnam economic relationship as well as regional trade and investment ties.

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Statement by USTR Ron Kirk on Russia’s Accession to the WTO


Ambassador Kirk: ““We congratulate Russia on joining the World Trade Organization. Russia’s WTO membership opens the door to increased opportunities for American companies to export and sell products and services in Russia,”

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U.S., Trans-Pacific Partners Move Toward Concluding Trade Deal

Deputy U.S. Trade Representative Demetrios Marantis

The United States and its fellow Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) members are making significant progress toward concluding a comprehensive trade deal set to boost economies and create jobs throughout the Asia-Pacific region, according to Deputy U.S. Trade Representative Demetrios Marantis.

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