2012: The Year in Review

December 18th, 2012

This was a big year. We grew our economy – and expanded opportunity — with our businesses leading the way, creating 35,500 jobs over the past 12 months. Today, more moms and dads are working in our State because we’ve driven down unemployment to 6.7%. However, better is not good enough; the most important job we will create in 2013 is the next job. Students at our #1-in-the-nation schools achieved record test scores and together with law enforcement, we drove violent crime and homicides down to the lowest levels in decades.

With tough choices, we’ve made progress restoring the heath of the Bay and rebounding our blue crab population to a 19-year high. 

We saved young lives by driving down infant mortality – exceeding the goal we had set – and we made progress toward our goal of eradicating childhood hunger.

In our State, where we are united by our belief in the dignity of every individual, we passed marriage equality, officially recognized the Piscataway tribes (for the first time ever), and we expanded opportunity with affordable college and the DREAM Act.

With all this said, we leave 2012 with heavy hearts. We remember our brave service members lost overseas. We remember the Marylanders lost to violence in our neighborhoods and during the devastating storms.  And we stand in solidarity with our friends in Connecticut. 

We will continue to work together in the year ahead to create jobs, grow opportunity, protect our quality of life, and make our One Maryland a stronger state.

Enjoy the holidays,

Martin O’Malley


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