Give the Gift That Keeps One Living
Posted by Whitney Thompson on December 07, 2012
It’s the most wonderful time of the year, but one poor decision to drink and drive could bring a devastating end to holiday celebrations. As Texans are planning to celebrate the holidays, the Texas Department of Transportation is launching a holiday campaign with a renewed focus on the importance of planning for a sober ride home. TxDOT’s Holiday P.A.S.S. (Person Appointed to Stay Sober) campaign encourages Texans to give the gift of a sober ride and make it easier for sober drivers to enjoy the festivities without drinking alcohol.

Holiday drinking and driving poses a serious threat for all holiday travelers on the road. During last year’s holiday season (Dec. 1, 2011, through Jan. 1, 2012) there were 2,462 alcohol-related traffic crashes in Texas, resulting in 842 serious injuries and 78 fatalities. During the upcoming holiday season, law enforcement officers throughout the state will work thousands of additional hours to crack down on drunk driving, including implementing no-refusal programs in many jurisdictions.

For tips on planning ahead for sober drivers and safe rides after holiday festivities, visit the Holiday P.A.S.S. Facebook page at or the Pinterest page at You will also find recipes for our original non-alcoholic drinks there.

Information for this blog post was provided by the Texas Department of Transportation
The opinions expressed below are those of their respective authors and do not necessarily represent those of this office.
  • Jerry from Brea commented on 1/21/2013
    Who ever thought that the United states would have a truly “Manchurian Candidate”? Well we did in 2008 and his name is Barack Hussein Obama II , who now is President of the United States. If the whole truth was known then, would he have become President of this once great country? From the areas in Chicago where gangster government thrives, to an Arab American network in the center of Obama’s political supporters Osama is changing the country in ways never thought possible and the change is not good. Obama calls Illinois home and look at what has happened to Chicago’s economy as it is struggling one in three residents of Illinois lives in or near poverty and its population has been declining. There have been many complaints from conservatives that Obama was never properly "vetted" in 2008 of which we believe he wasn’t In April 2012 a story appeared on WND web site called The untold Obama horror stories Allegations of intimidation, manipulation, sudden death. According to the article Barack Obama’s 2008 campaign violated Democratic Party rules and engaged in improper and possibly illegal actions to steal the 2008 Democratic Party presidential nomination from Hillary Clinton, according to a worker for Hillary’s campaign. Michele Thomas, a professional photographer in Hollywood, told WND in an exclusive interview that her resistance to the Obama campaign made her a target of intimidation. According to the article Michele Thomas was a volunteer for Hillary Clinton, making thousands of phone calls from the local campaign office. She claimed that she worked for Mrs. Clinton in NV watching the Nevada Democratic Party caucuses eventually turned her into an activist. “The Obama campaign people were stealing the caucuses throwing away votes, intimidating people from entering the caucus locations,” she said. “It was very systematic. The Obama supporters got control over the caucus packages and they manipulated the vote.” She said she was astounded that the media was not interested in covering the alleged abuses. “Everyone knew the Obama people were stealing the election,” she charged. Does this Sound familiar? To read the story go to Hillary supporter's untold Obama horror stories on the net. The question we have is simply this, who vetted Obama? Vetting can actually include scrutiny on the physical health of the candidate, but it also includes significant examination into the background of the candidate to analyze either falsehoods the candidate might utter when running for political office, and to evaluate the potential problems in the past history of the candidate that could be a liability in attempting to win political office. In March of 2011 an article appeared on Newsmax by a Mr. .Kent Clizbe who said that he was ex CIA Operative who claims that then candidate Obama was never properly vetted. We agree “In the 2008 presidential election, candidates were vetted by the press in varying degrees. The media examined, analyzed, and publicly evaluated them. They explored in detail John McCain’s personal wealth, marriage, place of birth, mental stability, and other important issues. McCain cooperated, provided documents, and answered questions. On the other hand, Barack Obama’s background remains nearly a blank slate. His school records, from kindergarten to law school, remain hidden. The story of his financial support is hidden — his private elementary and high school in Hawaii, his international travel, including his travel to Pakistan, when ordinary Americans could not travel there at the. time that Obama went there. Obama’s graduate and undergraduate tuition and living expenses, and more. And these are just the beginning of the Barack Obama vetting failure.”. What bothers millions of Americans including me, where are the Republicans including YOU , when the evidence is overwhelming that Obama’s birth certificate as presented to the American people is a FRAUD according to Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Arizona who commissioned a group of experts to examine Obama‘s birth certificate. Of course this information did not seem important to you or other Republican members of the house or senate. And the so called main stream media refused to touch the issue. The birth Certificate is only one of many issues that are very questionable, like the President’s alleged use of another persons Social Security number, using an alleged fraudulent Selective Service Card and many more issues with this President that you should be aware of. We know many people that have seen this information and coupled with many other articles on the internet as well as talk radio hosts we wonder who really is the President of The United States We also wonder why members of congress are derelict in their duties, to completely investigate Osama, especially Republican elected members of congress, of which we have voted for since President Johnson‘s time to completely vet this person? When Obama took office in January 2009, the unemployment rate was 7.8 percent. January 20, 2013 the unemployment rate is once again at 7.8 percent Something is very wrong
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