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Internal Review and Audit Compliance (IRAC)
Building 39720
Darling Hall Rm. 350/351
Fort Gordon, GA 30905
Tel: 706-791-2972/2923
DSN: 780-2972/2923
Fax: 706-791-3618
Hours: 0730-1600 (M-F)
Contact: Email
Environmental Division:
Public Works & Logistics:

Fort Gordon Internal Review and Audit Compliance (IRAC)

It's our commitment to support the Installation with state of the art, reliable, and timely, independent auditing and consulting services that promote best business practices.

The mission of the IRAC Office is to provide a full range of professional audit services to the Command Group. Audit services are provided in accordance with Government auditing standards and AR 11-7 (Internal Review and Audit Compliance Program). These services include internal audits, quick response audits, audit follow-up, audit liaison, and command requested audits.


What IRAC Can Do for You

Internal Review and Audit ComplianceINTERNAL REVIEW is one of the most effective tools managers can use to ensure they are providing the best stewardship of resources.


INTERNAL REVIEW is not in the business of:


Your INTERNAL REVIEW auditors:

INTERNAL REVIEW’S commitment to you:


Requesting Services

When requesting audit services, please provide information or be prepared to discuss the following criteria:


Why should you contact IRAC’S Waste, Fraud, & Mismanagement Hotline?

Because through your eyes and ears, we can save the Government BIG BUCKS! Between 1985 and 1998, Defense Department hotlines have received more than 178,000 calls. These calls have resulted in investigations that have saved or recovered government funds in the amount of $425 million. More importantly, many of the cases resulted in safer products and equipment for our military personnel and government employees.

What is the purpose of the IRAC Hotline?

IRACThe IRAC hotline program provides an opportunity to report significant instances of waste, fraud, and mismanagement. The hotline program strives to ensure that all allegations are properly evaluated and examined, and that appropriate remedial, corrective, and judicial actions are taken.

Do I have to identify myself?

No, only if you want to. You may remain anonymous, or you may identify yourself. If you identify yourself to a hotline auditor, your identity will be kept confidential. We will ask if you are willing to be interviewed by an investigator that may be assigned to your case. If so, we will only release your identity to that investigator.

The hotline relies on concerned Defense Department civilian employees, service members, and citizens to provide us with information regarding alleged fraud, waste, and mismanagement. We understand the value of complaints provided by individuals who desire to maintain their anonymity. We also understand the value of being able to contact complainants to ask for additional information or clarification of their complaint. Often, additional information or clarification is necessary for successful conclusion of an investigation. We encourage you to identify yourself; however, it is not required. If you choose to identify yourself, we cannot divulge your identity to outside activities without your expressed consent.

How can I contact the Hotline?

INTERNAL REVIEW operates the waste, fraud and mismanagement hotline on the installation. Hotline POC  IRAC, commercial 706-791-2972/2923 or DSN 780-2972/2923.

The DoDIG also operates a hotline and can be reached toll-free (800) 424-9098, or you may submit your report in writing by mail, to: Defense Hotline, The Pentagon, Washington DC 20301-1900.

What can you expect when you call the Hotline?

A thorough interview by the hotline auditor. You will be asked to provide information that will help the auditor piece together the facts of the situation (who, what, when, where, why, and how) and assess the estimated dollar loss to the Government. An evaluation of your complaint will be made to determine if an investigation is warranted or if you need to refer the matter to other authorities. Your call will be handled with complete confidentiality and you will be protected from reprisal. You may call back to the hotline to learn how your report was handled.

Definition of Terms

Waste – The extravagant, careless, or needless expenditure of Government funds, or the consumption of Government property that results from deficient practices, systems, controls, or decisions. The term also includes improper practices not involving prosecutable fraud.

Fraud – Any intentional deception designed to deprive the United States unlawfully of something of value or to secure from the United States for an individual a benefit, privilege, allowance, or consideration to which he or she is not entitled. Such practices include, but are not limited to, the offer, payment, or acceptance of bribes or gratuities; making false statements; submitting false claims; using false weights or measures; evading or corrupting inspectors or other officials; deceit either by suppressing the truth or misrepresenting material fact; adulterating or substituting materials; falsifying records and books of accounts; arranging for secret profits, kickbacks, or commissions; and conspiring to use any of these devices. The term also includes conflict of interest cases, criminal irregularities, and the unauthorized disclosure of official information relating to procurement and disposal matters.

Management – A collective term covering acts of waste and abuse. Extravagant, careless, or needless expenditure of Government funds or the consumption or misuse of Government property or resources, resulting from deficient practices, systems, controls, or decisions. Abuse of authority or similar actions that do not involve criminal fraud.


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