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     •   Differences Between ENC and ENC®Direct to GIS  
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Dates of Latest Editions (DOLE)
New editions of traditional charts are typically available for purchase six to eight weeks after NOAA has internally "cleared" or approved the chart for printing. Inherent delays exist in the traditional lithographic printing process and the subsequent distribution to chart agents through the country. Print on Demand new edition charts are typically available for purchase less than one week after passing internal NOAA clearance. Therefore POD new editions can be purchased weeks in advance of traditional chart new editions.
Information shown on bottom left of paper chart:  Chart No. 11524, 50th Ed., Feb/07, Corrected through NM Feb 24/07, Corrected through LNM Feb 20/07
Charts can be scheduled for a new edition for a variety of reasons. Some charts cover areas that are known to be constantly changing and always require a high number of chart corrections. In these areas, new chart editions may be printed once a year. On the other hand, some areas change very little so that charts covering those areas may have new editions printed once every five years. In some cases, the Coast Guard may request a new edition be printed in order to portray a new traffic scheme. New hydrographic surveys that change large depth areas on charts will often precipitate a new chart edition. Occasionally, NOAA may need to alter the printing schedule in order to address special circumstances.
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