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Clear Creek near Sanger, TX (SGET2)

Data Type

Inundation Levels
NAVD88 Stage

624.3* 42.0*
623.3* 41.0*
622.3* 40.0*
621.3* 39.0*
620.3* 38.0*
619.3* 37.0*
Record Crest: 36.5 ft
618.3 36.0
617.3 35.0
616.3 34.0
615.3 33.0
614.3 32.0
613.3 31.0
612.3 30.0

Major Flooding Begins

611.3 29.0
610.3 28.0

Moderate Flooding Begins

609.3 27.0
608.3 26.0
607.3 25.0

Minor Flooding Begins

606.3 24.0
605.3 23.0
* = Extended rating
Weather Forecast Office Fort Worth, TX West Gulf River Forecast Center

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Current Stage:
5.8 ft at 02/16/2013 03:00:00 UTC
Selected Inundation
Mouse Location

North Arrow

Inundation Legend Inundation Legend
USGS Gauge Location Gauge Location

Latitude/Longitude Disclaimer: The gauge location shown in the above map is the approximate location based on the latitude/longitude coordinates provided to the NWS by the gauge owner.

Gauge Information Collapse
Flood Categories (in feet)
Major Flood Stage:30
Moderate Flood Stage:28
Flood Stage:25
Action Stage:23

Historical Crests
(1) 36.50 ft on 05/01/1908
(2) 35.70 ft on 10/13/1981
(3) 34.00 ft on 05/01/1935
(4) 29.94 ft on 04/26/1990
(5) 29.80 ft on 09/13/1950
Show More Historical Crests

Low Water Records
(1) 6.30 ft on 10/12/1980

Graphical representation of flood inundation for NWS flood categories are based on steady state hydraulic modeling of water surface elevations for incremented discharges. Map shows approximate inundation areas for given water surface elevations and should not be used for navigation or permitting or other legal purposes, but strictly as a planning reference tool.

Extended rating:
Rating Curve Extension - The Rating Curve Extension is calculated by using either a linear, logarithmic, or hydraulic technique to extend the rating curve above the currently established relationship between stage and flow.

Flood Impacts Collapse
36 Extreme out of bank flooding will occur along the creek.
30 Major out of bank flooding will occur along the creek.
28.3 Moderate out of bank flow is expected.
28 Moderate out of bank flooding will occur.
26 Minor out of bank flow will occur along the creek. Water will begin flowing into an overflow channel through two overflow bridges.
25 Minor flooding will occur along the creek.
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Graphical representation of flood inundation for NWS flood categories are based on steady state hydraulic modeling of water surface elevations for incremented discharges. Map shows approximate inundation areas for given water surface elevations and should not be used for navigation or permitting or other legal purposes, but strictly as a planning reference tool.