tva logoTennessee Valley Authority

Flood Damage Reduction

old picture of a floodFlooding was a serious problem in the Tennessee Valley region before TVA dams and reservoirs were built. Because of poor farming practices, floods washed away the topsoil, causing severe erosion and limiting farmers’ ability to grow crops. The potential for flood damage increased as cities and towns were built along rivers and in some cases, lives were lost.

In an average year, the TVA system prevents about $240 million in flood damage in the TVA region and along the Ohio and Mississippi rivers. To date, the operation of this system has prevented over $5.4 billion in flood losses across the TVA region, including about $4.9 billion in damage averted at Chattanooga. The system has also prevented about $470 million in flood losses in the lower Ohio and Mississippi River drainage basins.

Learn more about how TVA manages the Tennessee River system to reduce flood damage:







Contact Information

Federal Emergency Management Agency

National Weather Service

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

U.S. Coast Guard


TVA River Forecast Center
(865) 632-6065

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