Publications from the Navigation Data Center June, 2012

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2010 Waterborne Commerce of the United States (WCUS)
Waterways and Harbors on the:

 Part 1 - Atlantic Coast (size ~1,621kb)
 Part 2 - Gulf Coast, Mississippi River System and Antilles (size ~1,984kb)
 Part 3 - Great Lakes (size ~832kb)
 Part 4 - Pacific Coast, Alaska and Hawaii (size ~929kb)
 Part 5 - National Summaries of Domestic and Foreign Waterborne Commerce (~1035)
Parts 1-5 contain statistics on the commercial movement of foreign and domestic cargo. (pdf format)

Commodity Movements 2010
Public Domain Database (pdf format)

Region to Region
By Commodity
By Destination
By Origin
State to State
By Commodity
By Destination
By Origin

Waterborne Tonnage for Principal U.S. Ports and all 50 States and U.S. Territories in 2010.
These reports list tonnages for Domestic, Foreign, Imports, Exports and Intra-State waterborne traffic.

Tonnage for Principal U.S. Ports
By Port Name
By Port Tons
Tonnage for States and U.S. Territories
By State Name
By State Tons

Waterborne Transportation Lines of the United States (WTLUS) contains summary information of the vessel companies and their American flag vessels operating or available for operation on 31 December 2011 in the transportation of freight and passengers.
National Summaries, Volume 1, provides a summary of the vessel data detailed in the WTLUS.
Vessel Company Summary, Volume 2, provides a summary of vessel companies listed alphabetically by company name. Included in this publication are: the business address and telephone number, the Engineer District number, the TSOperator number (for usage in querying computer data), principal commodities carried, the points or localities and waterways between which or on which operated and the number of vessels reported by vessel type.
Vessel Characteristics, Volume 3, lists the vessel companies alphabetically and describes each vessel surveyed by indicating its name and number, Coast Guard number, net tonnage, type by VTCC code (Vessel Type, Construction and Characteristics) and ICST code (International Classification of Ships by Type; see Terminology for VTCC and ICST), register and overall length and breadth, loaded and light draft, horsepower, carrying capacity in short tons or units of cargo and number of passengers, height of fixed superstructures, cargo handling equipment, operating headquarters, and year built or rebuilt.

Number of Contracts and Quantity Dredged:
By Corps District - Number of contracts and quantity in million cubic yards dredged by Fiscal Year and Corps of Engineers District
By Dredge Type - Number of dredging contracts awarded by Fiscal Year and type of dredge
By Material Disposal - Quantity in cubic yards for awarded dredging contracts for Fiscal Year (FY) by type of material disposal

By River
2011 ( ~ 94 kb)
2010 ( ~ 94 kb)
2009( ~ 94 kb)
By Division/District
2010 & 2011 ( ~ 954 kb)
2009 & 2010 ( ~ 873 kb)
2008 & 2009 ( ~ 780 kb)