Country Profile – Turkmenistan

Map of Turkmenistan
Participants at the seminar on "Organizational skills and the capabilities of women leaders" conducted by USAID Governance Strengthening Project in Turkmenistan. Photo: Maya Saryyeva
This 3-day old male calf was produced through the artificial insemination trainings conducted by the USAID Agriculture Technology Program. Photo: Zulya Achilova
USAID agricultural project's tomatoes in Turkmenistan are something to smile abo
USAID agricultural project's tomatoes in Turkmenistan are something to smile about learn more

Country Profile – Turkmenistan

Turkmenistan is a strategically important state that can play a key role in promoting integration between South and Central Asia.

Turkmenistan shares borders with countries of interest to the United States, such as Afghanistan and Iran, and its large hydrocarbon reserves make it a potentially pivotal supplier for regional and world markets.  Recently, Turkmenistan has become more active in pursuing economic, health care, and education reforms, and has expressed interest in adopting more international practices.  Nevertheless, the country’s civic enfranchisement and engagement are in their initial stages, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) still face difficult registration rules, and firm control keeps civil society advocates in check.  The USAID program in Turkmenistan supports economic, civil society, education, and health reforms.

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Economic Growth: Private Sector Development

USAID supports Turkmenistan in strengthening economic reforms by helping key institutions improve their ability to develop and manage economic policies that promote steady growth.  USAID provides assistance to enhance sustainable institutional capacity for fiscal management, including fiscal decentralization, and for regulatory oversight that provides the foundation for competitive private sector development and stimulates investment.  In agriculture, USAID works in livestock and horticulture development, with the goal of increasing incomes of livestock owners and fruit and vegetable producers.  USAID is beginning work with the national governments in Central Asia (including Turkmenistan), transmission-system operators, industry associations, and regional power-sector bodies to establish an institutionalized and treaty-based regime for cooperation and trade in electric power.  USAID provides opportunities for young people in Turkmenistan to acquire practical skills in economics and entrepreneurship that help them to improve their quality of life and foster economic and social development in their country.


Investing in People: Health Care and Education

Health and education are crucial for the sustainable development of Turkmenistan.  USAID seeks to improve the overall quality of health care by supporting the strengthening of health systems to institutionalize innovations and best practices.  Turkmenistan’s health portfolio is focused increasingly on tuberculosis control and HIV/AIDS prevention activities. USAID’s investments continue to generate a great deal of public trust and goodwill, which directly contribute to the U.S. Government’s “peace and security” priorities.  In the sphere of education, USAID promotes effective, accountable, and sustainable formal and non-formal education systems that utilize modern methodologies and emphasize critical thinking.  USAID works to increase the capacity of teachers to deliver lessons using interactive methodology, and supports improved school management through training for school administrators.  In higher education, USAID supports the use of information and communication technology to promote student learning and professional development in higher education institutions. 

Governing Justly and Democratically

USAID programs in Turkmenistan address U.S. Government goals of greater citizen participation in governance and increased capacity of civil servants to perform their functions.  USAID provides technical expertise and information to the Government of Turkmenistan and civil society on effective governance and citizen participation.  USAID also helps local organizations expand legal advice to not-for-profit organizations and the media.  USAID increases the knowledge and skills of Government of Turkmenistan officials and civil society leaders by providing access to international best practices in areas such as effective governance, capacity building, and implementation of democratic policies and legal reforms.  USAID programs incorporate a mix of capacity building training, applied research, conferences, public dialogue sessions, short-term technical assistance, and public information campaigns that are designed to change knowledge, attitudes, and practices toward democratic governance.  The program is designed to rapidly respond to emerging opportunities and flexibly meet requests based on the priorities of both USAID and the Government of Turkmenistan.

Examples of Our Impact

  • New USAID-supported tuberculosis control and treatment methods are available to the entire population.
  • Through support to 11 public access computer centers, USAID enabled more than 16,000 people to access information.
  • A USAID-funded market economics program has taught more than 15 percent of the country’s high school students.

USAID Assisatnce to Turkmenistan

US Assistance to Khazakhstan- FY 2009 $5.6 Million; FY2010 $8.7 Million; FY2011 request $5.9 Million

Funding Sources: Assistance for Europe, Eurasia and Central Asia and Global Health and Child Survival Funds

For more information, see the FY2011 Congressional Budget Justification

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Last Updated: 02-15-2013