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To view press releases from previous years, please select a link below:

2012 ~ 2011 ~ 2010 ~ 2009 ~ 2008 ~ 2007 ~ 2006 ~ 2005 ~ 2004 ~ 2003 ~ 2002

  • November 5, 2003
    U.S. Secret Service joins FBI, Interpol and Microsoft in announcing Anti-Virus Reward Program (Microsoft News Release)

  • 4 de noviembre de 2003
    Acusados de la Operacíon "Golden Financial" Sentenciados por Estrategema de Fraude Hipotecario y Robo de Identidad

  • November 4, 2003
    Operation "Golden Financial" Defendants Sentenced in Mortgage Fraud and Identity Theft Scheme

  • September 11, 2003
    United States Secret Service and Romanian Police Work Together to Solve Major Computer Fraud Investigation

  • August 29, 2003
    United States Secret Service Director Praises "Blaster" Arrest

  • June 16, 2003
    United States Secret Service Unveils Identity Crime Resource for Law Enforcement
    Fact Sheet: Selected United States Secret Service Identity Crime Investigations
    Fact Sheet: Identity Crime Resource Project -CD-Rom & Video

  • June 16, 2003
    United States Secret Service Forms Four New Task Forces

  • June 9, 2003
    United States Secret Service Sponsors Major Event Management Seminar

  • April 30, 2003
    National Police Challenge 50k Relay Race to be Held at Secret Service Training Center

  • May 7, 2003
    Security Adjustments for the White House Complex

  • April 30, 2003
    United States Secret Service Director Praises Signing of the Amber Alert Bill

  • April 21, 2003
    United States Secret Service Presents School Threat Assessment Seminar

  • April 3, 2003
    United States Secret Service Electronic Crimes Experts Address House Subcommittee on "Fighting Fraud: Improving Information Security"

  • March 18, 2003
    Security Adjustments for the White House Complex
    (As of Tuesday, March 18, 2003)

  • March 5, 2003
    Counterfeit Detecting Canines Graduate from U.S. Secret Service Training Program

  • February 12, 2003
    Colombian Police and United States Secret Service Seize $20 Million in Counterfeit U.S. Currency

  • January 30, 2003
    United States Secret Service Suppresses Second Coin Counterfeiting Plant in Colombia This Year

  • January 24, 2003
    United States Secret Service Headquarters Hosts Internet Safety Seminar and Expo

  • January 23, 2003
    United States Secret Service Arrests Suspects in California Mortgage Fraud Scheme

  • 23 de Enero del 2003
    El Servicio Secreto Aresto en California Sospechosos en Caso de Fraude de Hipoteca

  • January 17, 2003
    Italian Police and Secret Service Work Together to Seize $1 Million in Counterfeit U.S. Currency

  • January 14, 2003
    United States Secret Service Suppresses Coin Counterfeiting Plant in Colombia

  • January 8, 2003
    W. Ralph Basham Appointed as Director of the United States Secret Service
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