Congressman Jim Bridenstine

Representing the 1st District of Oklahoma
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Bridenstine on Obama "he should not be using executive orders"

Jan 16, 2013
In The News

By Rick Couri

Congressman Jim Bridenstine is not happy with the direction President Obama is taking on guns “I’m not at all confident that he’s interested in preserving the Second Amendment” Bridenstine told KRMG news on Wednesday.

 The President outlined his recommendations on gun policy including calling on Congress to ban military-style assault weapons and high-capacity magazines and to tighten background checks.

 The President also signed 23 executive actions including several aimed at improving access to data for background checks. It’s the latter that really makes the congressman bristle “he should not be using executive order” Bridenstine said, sounding frustrated.

 “He should go through the U.S. Congress” Bridenstine continued. “That’s the will of the people that’s the people’s house but instead he’s running roughshod over the U.S. Congress which is not good.”

Click here to listen to all the congressman's comments.

The congressman is also worried about how some older laws are interpreted. One of those is the Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990. The act disallows guns within 1,000 feet of a school, something Bridenstine says won’t work.

“Gun free school zones would prevent you from driving around Tulsa” the congressman chuckled. “There are almost no roads on which you can drive so if he starts enforcing laws like that it’s going to be very difficult to even drive in Tulsa with a gun.”

There are cities with very strict gun laws, Bridenstine fears the president might want to carry over some of those rules. “There are cities where you are not allowed to carry a gun” he noted. “In those cities if you turn in somebody who is carrying a gun, you can get a thousand dollars.”

Bridenstine told us he would reserve judgment on the entire package until he had time to review it. KRMG news will bring that those opinions as soon as they are expressed.