Congressman Jim Bridenstine

Representing the 1st District of Oklahoma
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Spending Cuts and Debt

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More on Spending Cuts and Debt

Feb 13, 2013

By Rick Couri

Bridenstine began by pointing out the slant of the President’s speech.

“It was the most liberal State of the Union speech I’ve ever heard” Bridenstine told KRMG news Wednesday morning.

And he didn’t stop there. “We have a President that wants to push a very liberal agenda and we need to use our majority in congress to stop it.”

Bridenstine wanted to make sure everyone understands that some of the Presidents words have more than one meaning.

Feb 12, 2013

Washington, DC, February 12, 2013     


Congressman Jim Bridenstine commented in advance of tonight’s State of the Union Address to Congress:

I expect tonight’s State of the Union Address to be a wish list for liberals.  The President will use the word “balanced” to call for more taxes, more debt, and more spending.  There is nothing balanced about the President’s big government approach. 

Feb 6, 2013

Washington, DC, February 6, 2013     


Jim Bridenstine made his first speech on the floor of the US House of Representatives today.  He asked the President to present a budget that balances within ten years.

Feb 5, 2013

Titles for bills in the House always paint the legislation in an appealing light.  I had to vote against more “Spending As Usual” tonight.  One program actually expired in 2011 but received $265 million in 2012!  Today’s bill proposed spending $1.2 billion over the next five years – with no consideration of offsets.  Another bill was for less money, but still gave no thought to offsetting the spending with cuts elsewhere.  That one also established a new federal grant program and inappropriately inserted the federal government into state and local affairs.

Jan 23, 2013

Sheryl Kaufman, Communications Director
Phone: 202-225-2211
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Bridenstine:  No Budget, No Pay – No Good

Washington, DC, January 23, 2013     


Jim Bridenstine voted “no” on the debt ceiling increase plan called “No Budget, No Pay.”  The bill passed 285 to 144, with only 33 Republicans voting no. 

Jan 15, 2013

Jim Bridenstine (R, OK D-1) voted again today on the side of fiscal responsibility.  Voting for the Mulvaney Amendment, the freshman Congressman desired to offset spending on Hurricane Sandy relief with savings in other areas.  The amendment did not pass.  The Hurricane Sandy relief bill passed, adding $50.7 billion to federal spending.  Jim opposed it.