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Grassley News

New GAO Report on Meth Ingredient Restrictions...

Treasury secretary nominee still unfamiliar with Ugland House... Read More >>

Constituent Services

Senator Grassley is committed to providing services and responding to the needs of Iowans. His offices in Iowa are a go-to place for casework for people having trouble dealing with a federal government agency. Senator Grassley also works to help Iowans seeking federal grants and nominations to the U.S. military academies. He makes flags flown over the U.S. Capitol  available to Iowans wanting to mark a special occasion. He helps families and individuals plan visits to national monuments and government buildings in Washington, D.C. He invites college students to work as interns in his offices. And, he works to keep in touch with constituent views. Senator Grassley holds a meeting every year in each of Iowa’s 99 counties, including town-hall meetings and visits to local businesses and organizations. He also responds to every phone call, email and postal letter from Iowans seeking his views and answers to questions.

Senator Grassley works to make government more transparent and accessible for Iowans through weekly conference calls with the Iowa media as well as video webcasts. Iowans can also access information on the function of government and learn about the issues being discussed in Congress by visiting the Students section.

Senator Grassley works to make representative government work for the people of Iowa.