Hanford Meteorological Station
Contacts / Hours

Note: Using the telephone is the ONLY way to get up to the minute information.

On duty Forecaster (509) 373-2716 Current conditions, forecasts
Recorded Forecast (509) 373-2875 Updated at least twice daily
Special Support & Project Information (509) 373-3215 Project manager
Data Requests (509) 373-3215 Data processing


HMS Staffed Hours:
Sunday 10:00 pm – Monday 7:00 pm
Monday – Thursday:  10:00 pm until 7:00 pm the following day
Thursday 10:00 pm – Friday 6:00 pm 
Weekends and Holidays:  6:00 am – 2:00 pm


Weather Related Work Delays

Do NOT Call the Forecaster!!!

Hanford Site 376-9999
PNNL only 375-2124
Hanford Site Radio 530 AM





Additional Information

Contact Us
Hanford Weather Station



Last Updated 04/09/2012 7:19 AM