John Wesley Powell Center for Analysis and Synthesis

Enhancing scientific discovery and problem-solving through integrated research.

Proposal Tips and Examples

To help Working Groups develop successful proposals, the Powell Center Science Advisory Board has adopted the following NCEAS rules of thumb to guide proposal preparation:

  • Proposals are evaluated primarily on the significance and novelty of the idea(s) under consideration and should be question-driven (i.e., not purely descriptive).
  • Provide a clear rationale for why the proposed activities should be, or can only be, done at the Powell Center with or without potential NSF co-funding.
  • Be clear and concise. Provide brief examples of major points being made or approaches being used. “Trust me” proposals are not effective.
  • Your reviewers are not always subject matter experts. Minimize technical jargon and unidentified acronyms.
  • Include a diverse array of participants who are committed to the project. Pay attention to gender balance and ethnic diversity, and include individuals at all stages of their career. For each participant, specify the expertise brought to the project and whether he/she has agreed to participate. Note that co-funding by NSF, Division of Earth Sciences (EAR), will require "coequal" PI leadership from both USGS and US academic personnel.
  • Indicate sources and attributes of data used in the project and their availability.
  • If the results are designed or imagined to be useful to resource managers, make clear, valid statements about why and how that is so.
  • For proposals that may be considered for co-funding by NSF and USGS, call Tom Torgersen or Chuck Estabrook at (703) 292-8550, or email at,

Examples of Successful Proposals 

Hydraulic Fracturing and Water Resources: An Assessment of the Potential Effects of Shale Gas Development on Water Resources in the United States
Powell Center Working Group Proposal, 2011

Characterizing a Link in the Terrestrial Carbon Cycle: A Global Overview of Individual Tree Mass Growth
Powell Center Working Group Proposal, 2010

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Page Last Modified: Monday, January 07, 2013