Coal Assessments

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Article Thumbnail Image This study updates a stratigraphic cross section published as plate 2 in USGS Digital Data Series 69-G. The datum is a marine/tidal ravinement surface within the Cozzette Sandstone Member of the Iles Formation and the Thompson Canyon Sandstone and Sulphur Canyon Sandstone Beds of the Neslen Formatio...
Thursday, January 03, 2013  Type: Publication

Article Thumbnail Image There are multiple ways to characterize uncertainty in the assessment of coal resources, but not all of them are equally satisfactory. Increasingly, the tendency is toward borrowing from the statistical tools developed in the last 50 years for the quantitative assessment of other mineral commodities...
Wednesday, November 28, 2012  Type: Outside Publication

Article Thumbnail Image This study presents geostatistical simulations of coal-quality parameters, major oxides and trace metals for an area covering roughly 812 km2 of the Blue Gem coal bed in southeastern Kentucky, USA. The Blue Gem, characterized by low ash yield and low sulfur content, is an important economic resource...
Thursday, November 08, 2012  Type: Outside Publication

Article Thumbnail Image The Organic Petrology Laboratory (OPL) of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Eastern Energy Resources Science Center in Reston, Virginia, contains several thousand processed coal sample materials that were loosely organized in laboratory drawers for the past several decades...
Thursday, September 27, 2012  Type: Publication

Article Thumbnail Image This report discusses the geologic framework and petroleum geology used to assess undiscovered petroleum resources in the Bohaiwan basin province for the 2000 World Energy Assessment Project of the U.S. Geological Survey. The Bohaiwan basin in northeastern China is the largest petroleum-producing...
Friday, June 29, 2012  Type: Publication

Article Thumbnail Image Coal exploration drill-hole data from over 24,000 wells in 10 States are discussed by State in the chapters of this report, and the data are provided in an accompanying spreadsheet. The drill holes were drilled between 1962 and 1984 by Phillips Coal Company, a division of Phillips Petroleum...
Sunday, January 22, 2012  Type: Publication

Article Thumbnail Image This American Association of Petroleum Geologists Discovery Series 14/Studies in Geology 62 article contains assessment results for the Gulf of Mexico Coastal Plain, free GIS files, and upcoming webinar information...
Tuesday, January 10, 2012  Type: Outside Publication

Article Thumbnail Image Geographic information system (GIS) information may facilitate energy studies, which in turn provide input for energy policy decisions. Prior to this study, no GIS file representing the occurrence of coal-bearing units in India or Bangladesh was known to exist. This Open-File Report contains...
Tuesday, January 10, 2012  Type: Publication

Article Thumbnail Image The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) completed the first digital National Coal Resource Assessment of in-place coal resources in 2009 for selected coal beds in the United States...
Monday, September 19, 2011  Type: Publication

Article Thumbnail Image This database is a compilation of published and nonconfidential unpublished coal data from Alaska. Although coal occurs in isolated areas throughout Alaska, this study includes data only from the Cook Inlet and North Slope areas. The data include entries from and interpretations of oil and gas...
Wednesday, May 11, 2011  Type: Publication


More than half of the electricity produced in the United States is generated by coal-fired power plants. Statistically, the United States has abundant supplies of coal. However, understanding how much of that supply of coal is actually economically recoverable and of sufficient quality to meet current emission standards is important to ensure adequate energy supplies in the future. Therefore, in energy assessments, it is not only essential to determine the in-place coal resources, but also to inventory the coal reserves. Coal reserve estimates provide a more accurate appraisal of how much of the total U.S. coal resource base is realistically available for production in the near and mid-term future.

Coal extraction in a Powder River, Wyoming coal mine
Photo: Coal extraction in a Powder River, Wyoming
coal mine.

There is often confusion concerning the use of the terms coal “resources” and “reserves.” Although the two terms are frequently used interchangeably, there are significant differences. Coal resources include in-place tonnage estimates determined by summing the volumes for identified and undiscovered deposits of coal with a minimum thickness of 14 inches, 36.6 cm or more for anthracite and bituminous coal; 30 inches, 76.2 cm or more for lignite and subbituminous coal, and under less than a depth of 6,000 feet, 1828.8 m. Coal reserves are a subset of the coal resources. To be classified as reserves, the coal must be considered economically producible at the time of classification, but facilities for extraction need not be in place and operative.

The next generation of U.S. coal assessments will not only be a refinement of the coal resources, but also the systematic determination of the regional coal reserve base in all the major coal provinces in the U.S. The first U.S. coal basin to be evaluated in this new assessment phase is the Powder River Basin, WY (PRB). The PRB is the single most important coal basin in the U.S. production-wise, supplying over 37 percent of the total coal produced in the U.S. in 2003.

The USGS Energy Resources Program research efforts yield modern, digital assessments of the quantity, quality, location, and accessibility of the Nation’s coal resources.

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National Coal Resource Assessment (NCRA)
National Coal Resource
Assessment (NCRA)

National Coal Resource Assessment (NCRA)

The NCRA project was a multi-year effort by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Energy Resources Program to identify, characterize, and assess the coal resources that will supply a major part of the Nation’s energy needs during the next few decades. The purpose of the NCRA was to (1) digitally assess selected coal beds and zones that will be the most important in the next few decades, (2) create publicly available stratigraphic,... [+]

geochemical, and geographic information system (GIS) databases to answer a variety of questions to government, industry and public decision makers, and (3) provide interpretive geologic and geochemical information for the primary coal resources of the Nation.

The NCRA study was a five-region project designed to provide a geologic assessment of the top-producing coal beds and coal zones in the United States. The five regions include:

(1) Northern and Central Appalachian Basin
(2) Gulf Coast
(3) Illinois Basin
(4) Colorado Plateau
Northern Rocky Mountains and Great Plains

The NCRA was a cooperative effort between the USGS and a number of State geological surveys in these coal-bearing regions. A study of coal resources on Federal lands was also conducted.

The USGS coal resource assessments have produced coal resource maps and descriptions, or models, that identify and characterize the coal beds and coal zones that will provide the bulk of the U.S. production for the next several decades. The assessments are designed to provide geoscientists, policy makers, planners, and the general public with concise geologic information on the quantity and quality of the remaining coal resources.

NCRA geochemical databases will provide accurate and comprehensive information to aid in the prediction of potential emissions from the combustion of coal from of those coal beds and coal zones. In addition, NCRA data can directly aid in the delineation of areas with potential for coal-bed methane production, mine flooding, surface subsidence, and acid mine drainage.

Coal Quality
Coal Quality

Coal Quality

The USGS Energy Resources Program researches and provides studies on the quantity, quality, and location of the Nation’s coal resources and has world class research facilities investigating coal petrology and coal quality. These studies address coal extraction, utilization and disposal issues, human health and environmental impact issues, and identify suitable resources for the Nation’s electric power generation.

Coal Databases
Coal Databases

Coal Databases

The U.S. Geological Survey Energy Resources Program has developed coal databases to monitor the location, quantity, and physical and chemical characteristics of U.S. coal and coal-related deposits.


Coal database for Cook Inlet and North Slope, Alaska - USGS Digital Data Series 599

Shallow Coal Exploration Drill-Hole Data—Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Texas - USGS Open-File Report 2011-1262


Page Last Modified: Friday, October 05, 2012

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