United States Institute of Peace

The Iran Primer


Iran Responds to U.N. on Nuclear Program

            Tehran is serious about upcoming talks with the six world powers, and expects them to be forthcoming, according to a statement

Why is Parchin Important (or Not)?

            Iran and the U.N. nuclear watchdog failed to strike a deal after two days of negotiations from January 16-17. The U.N.

Tehran’s Mixed Messages on U.N. Nuclear Talks

            Iranian and U.N. officials failed to produce an agreement after intensive talks in Tehran from January 16-17.

Weighing Benefits and Costs of International Sanctions Against Iran

            The United States could better leverage sanctions against Iran while mitigating negative consequences, according to a new repo

U.S. Sets March Deadline for Iran’s Cooperation

            On November 29, Ambassador Robert Wood set a March 2013 deadline for Iran to begin cooperating with the U.N.

U.N. Watchdog: Iran Expands Nuclear Activities

            On November 16, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) reported that Iran is continuing to enrich uranium, upgrade its f

Tribunal Blames Iran for Abuses

            On October 27, the Iran Tribunal charged that the Islamic Republic was responsible “for gross violations of human rights

Opiate Trafficking Through Iran

            On October 11, the U.N.

World Leaders React to Ahmadinejad

            Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad arrived in New York on Sept. 22 and addressed the U.N. General Assembly on Sept. 26.

Ahmadinejad in New York for U.N. Assembly

            Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad spoke to several New York audiences after arriving Sept. 22.

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