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Marine Corps Installations Pacific

Marine Corps Installations Command

Okinawa, Japan
Staff Judge Advocate


 The Staff Judge Advocate (SJA) is the principal legal advisor to the Commanding General on all legal matters except matters under the cognizance of the Pacific Area Counsel Office (PACO).  The AC/S SJA, as a special staff member, is directly responsible to the Commanding General (CG) in matters relating to Administrative Law, Installation Law, Foreign Criminal Jurisdiction, Claims, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), and the administration of military justice.  The SJA also serves as the principal legal advisor to the CG, Marine Corps Installations Pacific (MCIPAC).


The OSJA provides a full range of legal services to include, interpretation of Japanese law, the Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA), Japanese customs and culture which have legal implications, installation/civil law, coordination and administration of claims, administrative law and military justice/criminal law matters.


Direct Deposit
Insurance Affidavit
Property Value Verification Via AAFES


Freedom of Information Act-Privacy Act Request Form
(Commercial Activities and Private Employment in Japan)
MCIPAC 5300-1
(Request To Engage In Commercial Activities Or Private Employment In Japan)
MCIPAC Fundraiser Request Form
PA Routine Use Request Form Update
SOFA Letter Required Documents

Contact Information
Staff Judge Advocate:  (315) 645-5117   

Deputy Staff Judge Advocate:  (315) 645-2846

Claims Officer:  (315) 645-9429. 

FOIA Officer:  (315) 645-7918. 

Foreign Criminal Jurisdiction Officer:  (315) 645-9417
[Liaisons with Japanese law enforcement for resolution of SOFA cases]

Installation Law/Ethics Officer: (315) 645-9386. 

Legal Administration Officer:  (315) 645-9331

Legal Chief:  (315) 645-8104

Office of the Staff Judge Advocate, Marine Corps Installations Pacific, Unit 35001, FPO, AP 96373-5001

To Email Our Office: