United States Marine Corps (USMC)

42 items

U.S. Marines in the Korean War (ePub eBook)


GPO Stock # 999-000-44443-6 ISBN: 9780160872518

Compiled by the History and Museums Division during the 50th Anniversary commemoration of the Korean Conflict, 1950-1953. Focuses on the Marines who fought and died.

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 One key factor that emerged from the various presentations was the sheer variety of issues, leaderships, local security environments, and prospects for the local gorups that are affiliated with Al-Qaida in some way.    Other key judgments are...

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Featuring 4 reports and 25 personal essays from diverse voices—both straight and gay—representing U.S. Marine Corps, Army, Navy, and Air Force veterans and service members, this anthology examines the impact of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” and its...

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Compares the reasons for and the responses to the insurgencies in Afghanistan and Pakistan since October 2001. Also examines the lack of security and the support of insurgent groups in Afghanistan and Pakistan since the 1970s that explain the...

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Rethinking a Middle East in Transition (ePub eBook)


GPO Stock # 999-000-44442-1 ISBN: 9780160915468

Presents the opinions of an array of experts on the region, drawn from their presentations at the Middle East Institute’s 64th Annual Conference in November 2010, on the eve of the Jasmine Revolution. Topics include the Arab-Israeli peace process...

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Al-Qaida’s resurgence, despite its limitations, presents a continuing security challenge in Iraq, and the tribal factor remains a significant element in the security equation.  Among the conclusions of the study are that Iraq’s Sunni tribes...

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Applications in Operational Culture: Perspectives From The Field (ePub eBook)


GPO Stock # 999-000-44440-6 ISBN: 9780160915741

As the U.S. military has learned in Iraq and Afghanistan, working effectively with local populations is essential to operational success. In
the past few years, all of the services have developed cultural education and training programs to...

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Aspects of Leadership: Ethics, Law, and Spirituality

Aspects of Leadership: Ethics, Law, and Spirituality

By: Defense Dept., Navy, Marine Corps University Press

GPO Stock # 008-055-00255-9 ISBN: 9780160913686

Aspects of Leadership is a book that brings together scholars from different disciplines and practitioners from a broad variety of backgrounds to address three key areas: Ethics; Law, and Spirituality. Aspects of Leadership intends to inform...

Price: $45.00

Just Cause: Marine Operations in Panama, 1988-1990 (ePub eBook)

By: US Department of Defense, Marine Corps

GPO Stock # 999-000-11117-1 ISBN: 9780160873010

Tells the story of the Marines who served in Panama around the time (1988 to 1990) of Operation Just Cause

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 The End of Don't Ask, Don't Tell

The End of Don't Ask, Don't Tell: The Impact in Studies and Personal Essays by Service Members and Veterans

By: Defense Dept., Navy, Marine Corps, Marine Corps University Press

GPO Stock # 008-000-01063-3 ISBN: 9780160905469

Featuring 4 reports and 25 personal essays from diverse voices-both straight and gay-representing U.S. Marine Corps, Army, Navy, and Air Force veterans and service members, this anthology examines the impact of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" and its...

Sale Price: $13.50
42 items