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Applying for Federal Grants

Navigating the federal grant process can be difficult and time-consuming. This guide is designed to help New Jersey communities learn about grant opportunities and apply for federal funding.

The grant opportunities included here are targeted primarily to local governments (i.e. municipalities, county governments, and the state). The programs are competitive (sometimes referred to as “discretionary”), which means interested parties must apply and compete for funds. This list includes popular grant programs that were selected because local governments are frequently interested in them; additional grant opportunities not listed below are available.

Federal grants are funded by Congress through the annual budget process. This means that funding levels, the requirements and nature of grant programs, and the timing of application periods can vary from year to year and are subject to change. This page will be updated as frequently as possible to reflect the most recent status of grant programs.

Click the links below to learn more about specific grant programs:

To learn more about the federal grant process and to find a link to a comprehensive list of all federal grant programs, click here.

Transportation Grant Programs (top)

Grant Program


Application Period

Program Website


For innovative transportation projects that foster economic development and promote environmental sustainability.  In 2011, grants were awarded for large capital projects ranging from $5 million to $20 million for non-rural areas.  

The most recent application period closed on March 19, 2012.

Transportation, Community and System Preservation (TCSP) - Federal Highway Administration

For a wide variety of transportation initiatives including minor road improvements, streetscaping, bike/pedestrian paths and transportation studies and plans.   

The most recent application period closed on January 6, 2012.

Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Grants (top)

Grant Program


Application Period

Program Website

Choice Neighborhood

Choice Neighborhoods grants transform distressed neighborhoods and public and assisted projects into sustainable mixed-income neighborhoods by linking housing improvements with appropriate services, schools, public assets, transportation, and access to jobs.

The most recent application period closed on April 10, 2012

Economic Development Administration (EDA) Grants (top)

Please note: EDA requires that applicants establish a plan, called a "Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy" (CEDS) as a pre-requisite for receiving funding from most of its grant programs

Grant Program


Application Period

Program Website

Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (“CEDS”)

To establish a plan developed by a planning organization in the state to develop an economic development strategy for a region. Establishing a CEDS is a pre-requisite for receiving funds from most other EDA grant programs.

EDA has quarterly deadlines and applicants may submit an application at any time during the quarter.

Public Works and Economic Development

For the construction, expansion or upgrade of essential public infrastructure and facilities.

EDA has quarterly deadlines and applicants may submit an application at any time during the quarter.  Deadlines: March 9, 2012, June 8, 2012, September 14, 2012

Economic Adjustment Assistance

For a wide range of technical, planning, and public works and infrastructure assistance in regions experiencing adverse economic changes that may occur suddenly or over time (e.g., strategy development, infrastructure construction, revolving loan fund capitalization.

EDA has quarterly deadlines and applicants may submit an application at any time during the quarter. Deadlines: March 9, 2012, June 8, 2012, September 14, 2012


To facilitate economic development strategies in local communities and larger regions by providing funds for planning and guidelines to help guide organizations engaged in the planning process.

EDA has quarterly deadlines and applicants may submit an application at any time during the quarter.

Global Climate Change Mitigation Incentive Fund

To advance the green economy by supporting projects that create jobs through and increase private capital investment in initiatives to limit the nation's dependence on fossil fuels, enhance energy efficiency, curb greenhouse gas emissions, and protect natural systems. Funding can be used for a variety of sustainability focused projects, including renewable energy end-products, the greening of existing manufacturing functions or processes, and the creation of certified green facilities.

EDA has quarterly deadlines and applicants may submit an application at any time during the quarter.

Technical Assistance

This program provides assistance to public and nonprofit leaders to help in economic development decision making (e.g., project planning, impact analyses, feasibility studies). The program also includes the University Center Economic Development Program, which makes the resources of universities available to the economic development community

EDA has quarterly deadlines and applicants may submit an application at any time during the quarter.

Community Trade Adjustment Assistance

For planning and/or implementation project grants to communities that have experienced or are threatened by job loss resulting from international trade impacts. Grants under the program can be used to support a wide range of technical, planning, and infrastructure projects to help communities adapt to trade impact issues and diversify their economies.

EDA has quarterly deadlines and applicants may submit an application at any time during the quarter.

Disaster Relief Grants

For strategic planning and construction of new infrastructure to help local economies recover following federally declared natural disasters.

The application period opened on March 29, 2012. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.

Strong Cities, Strong Communities

To assist economically challenged municipalities in creating long term economic development plans.

June 14, 2012 - July 23, 2012

Advanced Manufacturing Jobs and Innovation Accelerator Challenge

To foster job creation, increase public and private investments, and enhance economic prosperity by harnessing the economic growth and job creation potential
resulting from advanced manufacturing activities within high-growth industry clusters that have been identified by regional stakeholders.

May 24, 2012 - July 9, 2012

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Grants (top)

Grant Program


Application Period

Program Website

Brownfields Area-Wide Planning Pilot Program

To facilitate community involvement in developing an area-wide plan for brownfields assessment, cleanup and subsequent reuse.

Spring/Summer 2012

Brownfields Assessment

To inventory, characterize, assess, and conduct planning and community involvement related to brownfields sites.

The most recent application period closed on November 28, 2011.

Brownfields Cleanup

To carry out cleanup activities at brownfield sites.

The most recent application period closed on November 28, 2011.

Brownfields Targeted Assessments (TBA)

Supplement and work with other efforts under EPA's Brownfields Program to promote the cleanup and redevelopment of brownfields. EPA's TBA assistance is available directly from EPA through EPA Regional Brownfields offices or from a state that receives EPA funding.

Conducted on a rolling basis by EPA regional offices.

Brownfields Revolving Loan Fund

To capitalize a revolving loan fund and to provide subgrants to carry out cleanup activities at brownfield sites. 

The most recent application period closed on April 19, 2012

Environmental Workforce Development

To recruit, train, and place predominantly low-income and minority, unemployed and under-employed residents from solid and hazardous waste-impacted communities.

2012 application period to be announced.

Brownfields Multipurpose Pilot Program

This is a new grant program that will provide a single grant to an eligible entity for both assessment and cleanup work at a specific brownfield site owned by the applicant.  Only applicants who have received an EPA Brownfields grant in 2003 or later are eligible to apply.

The most recent application period closed on February 10, 2012

Urban Waters Small

To fund research, studies, training, and demonstration projects that will advance the restoration of urban waters by improving water quality through activities that also support community revitalization and other local priorities.

The most recent application period closed on January 23, 2012.

Department of Justice (DOJ) Law Enforcement and Justice Assistance Grants (top)

Grant Program


Application Period

Program Website

Byrne JAG Competitive Grants

To provide states, tribes, and local governments with critical funding necessary to support a range of program areas including law enforcement, prosecution and courts, crime prevention and education, corrections and community corrections, drug treatment and enforcement, planning, evaluation, technology improvement, and crime victim and witness initiatives.

2012 application period to be announced.

Bulletproof Vest Partnership

For the purchase of bulletproof vests.

May 16, 2012 – June 27, 2012

Children Exposed to Violence Imitative

To provide education and training for individuals, such as youth workers, teachers and mental health clinicians, working with children and families to prevent, identify and respond to childhood exposure to violence.

2012 application period to be announced.

Byrne Criminal Justice Innovation Program

This new program will support communities that combine law enforcement, community policing, prevention, intervention, treatment, and neighborhood restoration.

The most recent application period closed on June 7, 2012

DNA Backlog Reduction Program

To assist eligible states and local governments to process, record, screen, and analyze forensic DNA and/or DNA database samples and to increase the capacity of public forensic DNA and DNA database laboratories to process more DNA samples.

The most recent application period closed on April 23, 2012

Community- Based Violence Prevention Initiative

To support and enhance the coordination of existing community-based violence prevention and intervention programs and strategies that are attempting to replicate models which have had a positive impact on the reduction of violence in communities.

The most recent application period closed on May 1, 2012

Smart Probation: Reducing Prison Populations, Saving Money, and Creating Safer Communities

To develop more effective and evidenced-based probation practices that address offenders' needs and reduce recidivism.

The most recent application period closed on May 21, 2012

Second Chance Act Adult Offender Reentry Program for Planning and Demonstration Projects

To provide services and programs to help facilitate the successful reintegration of offenders as they return to their communities.

The most recent application period closed on April 24, 2012

Second Chance Act Reentry Program for Adult Offenders with Co-Occurring Substance Abuse and Mental Health Disorders

To implement or expand offender treatment programs for offenders with co-occurring substance abuse and mental health disorders

The most recent application period closed on April 24, 2012

Second Chance Act Family-Based Adult Offender Substance Abuse Treatment Program

To implement or expand family-based treatment programs for adult individuals in prison or jails, that provide comprehensive substance abuse treatment and parenting programs for incarcerated parents (including non-custodial parents) of minor children; provides treatment and other services to the participating offenders' minor children and family members; and during reentry back into the community.

The most recent application period closed on April 24, 2012

Second Chance Act Juvenile Offender Reentry Program Demonstration Projects

This program helps ensure that the transition the youth make from a secure juvenile residential facility to the community is successful and promotes public safety.

The most recent application period closed on May 14, 2012

National Justice Information Sharing (JIS) Initiative

To enable the nation's criminal justice community to improve information sharing through advanced technology and tools that increase efficiency, enhance operations, and promote cost savings and reuse.

The most recent application period closed on April 19, 2012

Family Drug Court Program

To implement new drug courts or enhance pre-existing drug courts for individuals with substance abuse disorders or substance use and co-occurring mental health disorders, including histories of trauma, who are involved with the family dependency court as a result of child abuse, neglect, and other parenting issues.

The most recent application period closed on April 23, 2012

Juvenile Drug Court Program

To build the capacity of states, state courts, local courts, units of local government, and Indian tribal governments to develop and establish juvenile drug courts integrated with the Reclaiming Futures model for juvenile offenders who are abusing substances.

The most recent application period closed on May 16, 2012

Wraparound Victim Legal Assistance Network Demonstration Project

For demonstration projects to develop holistic models for wraparound pro bono legal assistance networks that offer the wide range of legal assistance that victims need in the wake of their victimization.

The most recent application period closed on April 19, 2012

FEMA Firefighter Grants (top)

Grant Program


Application Period

Program Website

Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response (SAFER)

To help fire departments and volunteer interest organizations hire front line firefighters.

July 16, 2012 - August 10, 2012

Assistance to Firefighter Grants

To help firefighters and other first responders to obtain critically needed equipment, protective gear, emergency vehicles, training, and other resources needed to protect the public and emergency personnel from fire and related hazards.

June 11, 2012 - July 6, 2012

Fire Prevention & Safety Grants

To enhance the safety of the public and firefighters from fire and related hazards. The primary goal is to target high-risk populations and reduce injury and prevent death.

The most recent application period closed on April 27, 2012