Trends on Tuesday: Adieu Feature Phone?

a pile of old cell-phones. None of them smart.The annual gadget juggernaut, the Consumer Electronics Show, wound down last week. Missing from the aisles of shiny new toys? Feature phones.

In years past, handset makers such as LG, Motorola, Nokia, and Samsung would have unveiled dozens of “regular” cell phones. Not so. In fact, there were hardly any feature phones announced at CES 2012. Instead, hardware makers introduced smartphones that will hit store shelves with $50 price points. It won’t be long before feature phones are used only by the very young and the very old. Smartphones have taken over. –from InformationWeek

Watch this trend. Yes, people still have plain, old cellphones, but you better not be building your strategy around them. The growth is in smartphones. Don’t put your head in the sand because not everyone has one. Yet.

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  1. J.Reed
    Jan 17th, 2012 at 17:45 | #1

    A $50 price point sounds fine, but how much for the data plan that makes a smart phone smart? That’s what has me sticking with my dumb phone but using my iPod Touch and Nook Color where free wifi is available.

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