Trends on Tuesdays: Teens

Teen texting and leaning on brick wall

photo credit: flickrized/Peter Dedina creative commons license

Hot of the press data on teens and communicating from Pew Internet and American Life Project.

How do teens communicate?

  • 63% use text to communicate with others every day
  • 39% make and receive voice calls on their mobile phones every day
  • 35% socialize with others in person outside of school on a daily basis
  • 29% exchange messages daily through social network sites
  • 22% use instant messaging daily to talk to others
  • 19%  talk on landlines with people in their lives daily
  • 6% exchange email daily

Read more on teen communications choices here.

So, if you are trying to reach teens, e-mail is a dud and texting is the move.

Pew also reported that there has been little change in mobile phone ownership by teens, 77% in 2011 vs. 75% in 2009.  Regarding changes in the past two years, teens are talking on the phone much less–26% phone friends daily down from 38% in 2009.


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  1. Mar 21st, 2012 at 10:54 | #1

    Today’s cell phone are used in all ages including teens where this day is technology generation, there is no more limit of dimension and time, everything move so quickly and we can avoid it. as far it can be a positive thing for teens, why not?

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