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Provides links to resources in Africa with an interest in the prevention, control, or eradication of invasive species.

Identification Keys and Factsheets for Invasive Alien Species for Eastern Africa Published by BioNET – EAFRINET (Nov 7, 2012)
East African Network for Taxonomy.
Under the UVIMA Project a list of over 100 of the most serious invasive plant species in the region was produced. This list was used as a basis for the production of a key to 119 species of invasive plants. There are also fact sheets to each of these species. The key is designed to be used as a simple identification tool for conservationists, extensionists and some farmers, to provide an overview of the invasive plant species and possible management measures and to provide first port of call for somebody interested in invasive plant species in the region (links to more detailed sources of information are provided).

Cajun Crayfish Invading Africa, Eating Native Species (Jan 9, 2012)
National Geographic.
Without any native predators to keep it in check, the Louisiana crayfish, also known as the red swamp crayfish, is gobbling up small freshwater fish, fish eggs, mollusks, crustaceans, and aquatic plants. (See pictures of freshwater plants and animals.) The 6-inch-long (15-centimeter-long) invader is already widely distributed in lakes and other bodies of water throughout Kenya, as well as in Rwanda, Uganda, Egypt, Zambia, the Seychelles, Mauritius, and South Africa. Conservationists are now concerned the crayfish will reach the East African lakes of Malawi, Tanganyika, and Victoria, which are home to hundreds—and probably thousands—of species found nowhere else.


Weeds Research Division
South Africa Agricultural Research Council. Plant Protection Research Institute.
Contacts; Publications; Laws and Regulations; Management

Weeds and Invasive Plants
South Africa Department of Agriculture. Agricultural Geo-referenced Information System.
Species of Concern; Laws and Regulations; Management

Invasive Aliens: Early Detection and Rapid Response Programme: Overview
South Africa Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism.
Species of Concern; Management

Management of Invasive Alien Plants
South Africa Department of Water Affairs and Forestry. Working for Water Programme.
Laws and Regulations; Management

Forest Invasive Species Network for Africa (FISNA)
UN. Food and Agriculture Organization.
Species of Concern; Contacts; Publications; Laws and Regulations

Biosecurity in Forestry: A Case Study on the Status of Invasive Forest Tree Species in Southern Africa
UN. FAO. Forestry Department.
Species of Concern; Publications; Management

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Framework for Monitoring Invasive Tree Species in Ghana
University of Oxford (United Kingdom). Environmental Change Institute.
Species of Concern; Contacts

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Aquatic Invasive Species in South Africa: Environmental Impacts and Management Responses (Sep 2004; PDF | 1.3 MB)
International Conference on Aquatic Invasive Species.
Species of Concern; Management; Special Note: Abstract available from the 13th International Conference on Aquatic Invasive Species

Tackling Invasive Species in Africa
CABI Bioscience.
Species of Concern

Invasive Plants Keys and Fact Sheets
East African Network for Taxonomy.
Species of Concern

Africa Invaded: The Growing Danger of Invasive Alien Species (2004; PDF | 14.21 MB)
Global Invasive Species Programme.
Species of Concern

Invasive Alien Species in Southern Africa: National Reports and Directory of Resources (PDF | 515 KB)
Global Invasive Species Programme.
Species of Concern; Contacts; Organizations; Management; Special Note: Contains references and species lists by country

Invasive Alien Species in Kenya (PDF | 1.38 MB)
International Phytosanitary Portal; Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Service.
Species of Concern; Management

Invasive Species South Africa
Invasive Species South Africa.
Species of Concern; Publications; Community; Management

Swaziland's Alien Plants Database
Swaziland's Alien Plants Database.
Species of Concern

Invasive Alien Species - Stop the Spread
PAMS Foundation (Tanzania).

Stop the Spread
Wildlife and Environmental Society of South Africa (WESSA).
Species of Concern

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Last Modified: Jan 28, 2013
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