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2007 Conference Proceedings

University Coal Research / Historically Black Colleges and Universities
& Other Minority Institutions Contractors Review Meeting

June 5-6, 2007

Table of Contents

This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government or any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government or any agency thereof.

Abstracts and Presentations

  • Opening Session
    Robert Romanosky, Technology Manager, Power Systems Advanced Research
    U.S. Department of Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory
  • Keynote Address
    Dale Keairns, Senior Advisory Engineer, Science Applications International Corporation
  • Constitutive Models to Describe the Response of Materials for High Temperatures Operating Conditions
    I. Joga Rao, New Jersey Institute of Technology
  • Computational Design and Prototype Evaluation of Aluminide-Strengthened Ferritic Superalloys for Power-Generating Turbine Applications up to 1,033K
    Peter K. Liaw, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
    • Abstract [PDF-58KB]
    • Presentation [PDF-KB]
  • Mechanisms of Impurity Effect and Ductility Enhancement of Mo and Cr Alloys
    Bruce S. Kang and Ning Ma, West Virginia University
  • Development and Advanced Characterization of Doped Nanoporous Carbons for Hydrogen Storage
    Angela Lueking, Pennyslvania State University
  • Development of Pd-Ag Composite Membrane for Separation of Hydrogen at Elevated Temperature
    Shamsuddin Ilias, North Carolina A&T State University
    • Abstract [PDF-85KB]
    • Presentation [PDF-KB]
  • Closures for Coarse-Grid Simulation of Fluidized Gas-Particle Flows
    Sankaran Sundaresan, Princeton University
  • Gasification Transport: A Multiphase CFD Approach and Measurements
    Veeraya Jiradilok, Illinois Institute of Technology
  • An Evaluation of the Feasibility of Combining Carbon Dioxide Flooding Technology with Microbially Enhanced Oil Recovery Technologies in Order to Sequester Carbon Dioxide
    William Todd French, Mississippi State University
  • Application of Cutting-Edge 3-D Seismic Attribute Technology to the Assessment of Geological Reservoirs for CO2 Sequestration
    Tom Bjorklund, University of Houston
  • New Adsorption Cycles for Carbon Dioxide Capture and Concentration
    James A. Ritter, University of South Carolina
  • CO2 Capture from Flue Gas by Phase Transition Absorption
    Liang Hu, Hampton University
    • Abstract [PDF-13KB]
    • Presentation [PDF-KB]
  • Study on Nanofiller-Modulated Oxygen Enrichment Polymer Membranes
    Jianzhong Lou, North Carolina A&T State University
  • Investigation of Nitrogen Evolution and Corrosion with Oxycombustion
    Dale Tree, Brigham Young University
  • Lab-Scale Studies of Oxyfuel Combustion
    Richard L. Axelbaum, Washington University in Saint Louis
  • Fly Ash Catalyzed Mercury Oxidation Chlorination Reactions
    Sukh Sidhu, University of Dayton
  • Analysis of Bromine-Mercury Reactions in Flue Gas
    Geoffrey D. Silcox, University of Utah
  • Mercury Speciation in Coal-Fired Power Plant Flue Gas - Experimental Studies and Model Development
    Radisav D. Vidic, University of Pittsburgh
  • Development of a Heterogeneous Photocatalyst for CO2 Sequestering
    Sharon M. Molnar, West Virginia State University
  • Integrated Removal of NOx With Carbon Monoxide as Reductant, and Capture of Mercury in a Low Temperature Selective Catalytic and Adsorptive Reactor
    Peter Smirniotis, University of Cincinnati
  • Attrition Resistant Fischer-Tropsch Catalysts Based on FCC Supports
    Adeyinka Adeyiga, Hampton University
  • Novel Adsorbent-Reactants for Treatment of Ash and Scrubber Pond Effluents
    Bill Batchelor, Texas A&M University
  • Novel Anionic Clay Adsorbents for Boiler-Blow Down Waters Reclaim and Reuse
    Theodore T. Tsotsis, University of Southern California
  • An Innovative System for the Efficient and Effective Treatment of Non-Traditional Waters for Reuse in Thermoelectric Power Generation
    James W. Castle, Clemson University
  • Value-Added Products from FGD Sulfite-Rich Scrubber Materials
    Vivak M. Malhotra, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
  • On the Accurate Determination of Syngas Flame Speeds at Elevated Pressures and Temperatures Using a Spherical Bomb
    Yiguang Ju, Princeton University
    • Abstract [PDF-16KB]
    • Presentation [PDF-KB]
  • Syngas & Hydrogen Combustion: Ignition and Flame Propagation
    Chih-Jen Sung, Case Western Reserve University
  • Characterization of Atomic and Electronic Structures of Electrochemically Active SOFC Cathode Surfaces
    Meilin Liu, Georgia Institute of Technology
    • Abstract [PDF-116KB]
    • Presentation [PDF-KB]
  • Combined Theoretical Experimental Investigation and Design of H2S Tolerant Anode for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
    Gerardine G. Botte, Ohio University
  • Ag-Perovskite Composite Materials for SOFC Cathode-Interconnect Contact
    Jiahong Zhu, Tennessee Technological Universiy
  • Nanoscale Reinforced, Polymer Derived Ceramic Matrix Coatings
    Rajendra Kumar Bordia, University of Washington
  • A Novel Low-Temperature Diffusion Aluminide Coating for Ultrasupercritical Coal-Fired Boiler Applications
    Ying Zhang, Tennessee Technological University
  • Novel Nano-Intermetallics Coatings for Metal Alloys in Coal-Fired Environments
    Zak Fang, University of Utah
  • Oxidation Resistance of Alloys from Nb-W-Cr System from 700 to 1400o C
    Shailendra K. Varma, University of Texas at El Paso
  • Optical Fiber Sensor Instrumentation for Slagging Coal Gasifiers
    Kristie Cooper, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
  • Innovative Coal Solids-Flow Monitoring and Measurement Using Phase-Doppler and Scattering Technique
    Stephen Seong Lee, Morgan State University
    • Abstract [PDF-27KB]
    • Presentation [PDF-KB]


  • Conversion of Hydrogen Sulfide in Coal Gases to Elemental Sulfur with Monolithic Catalyst
    Kyung C. Kwon, Tuskegee University
  • CO2 Capture from Flue Gas by Phase Enhanced Absorption
    Liang Hu, Hampton University
  • Sulfur-Tolerant Pd/Cu and Pd/Au Alloy Membranes for Hydrogen Separation with High Pressure CO2 for Sequestration
    Yi Hua Ma, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
  • Development of a Catalyst/Support for Methane Reforming
    Brent H. Shanks, Iowa State University
  • Development of an Optimum Tracer Set for Apportioning Emissions of Individual Power Plants Using Highly Time-Resolved Measurements and Advanced Receptor Modeling
    John M. Ondov, University of Maryland
  • Novel Carbon Nanotube-Based Nanostructures for High-Temperature Gas Sensing
    Zhi Chen, University of Kentucky
  • Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Reaction and Transformation of Hg and Trace Metals in Combustion Systems
    Joseph J. Helble, Dartmouth College
  • Multiplexed Sensor for Synthesis Gas Composition and Temperature
    Steven G. Buckley, University of California, San Diego
  • Developing Supersonic Impactor and Aerodynamic Lens for Separation and Handling of Nano-Sized Particles
    Goodarz Ahmadi, Clarkson University
  • Feasibility of a Stack Integrated SOFC Optical Chemical Sensor
    Michael A. Carpenter, University at Albany – SUNY
  • Heterogeneous Reburning by Mixed Fuels
    Wei-Yin Chen, University of Mississippi
  • Flashback Characteristics of Syngas-Type Fuels under Steady and Pulsating Conditions
    Tim Lieuwen, Georgia Institute of Technology
  • Near Surface Alloys for Improved Water-Gas-Shift Catalysis
    Manos Mavrikakis, University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • Mixed-Matrix Membranes for CO2 and H2 Separations Using Metal-Organic Frameworks and Mesoporous Hybrid Silicas
    Inga H. Musselman, University of Texas at Dallas
  • Surface Area, Volume, Mass, and Density Distribution for Sized Biomass Particles
    Ramanathan Sampath, Morehouse College
  • Mercury Oxidation via Catalytic Barrier Filters
    Wayne Seames, University of North Dakota
  • Oxidation of Mercury in Products of Coal Combustion
    Peter M. Walsh, University of Alabama at Birmingham

NETL Conference Services Information
National Energy Technology Laboratory
Phone: (412) 386-6044 FAX: (412) 386-6486

NOTE:  The /website/abstracts/papers listed below are in Portable Document Format (PDF). It is recommended to use the Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0 or newer from Adobe Systems, Inc. to view the Proceedings.