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My AmeriCorps

The My AmeriCorps website provides a one-stop-shop for AmeriCorps State and National, VISTA and NCCC members and alumni - presenting a wealth of information and self-service capabilities, including access to the former AmeriCorps Online Payment System.

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Tools, Training, and Information


AmeriCorps offers organizations an abundance of resources to help establish and manage effective service and member programs.

The National Service Knowledge Network

The Knowledge Network is the national service hub where CNCS grantees, members, partners, staff, and volunteers can share information and resources related to national service. Features include discussion boards, content sharing, profiles, private messaging, and more.

The Network also includes online training tools, a library of downloadable publications, an events calendar, and the Effective Practices Collection. Much of this content has been generated by specialized training and technical assistance providers funded by CNCS to help volunteer and service programs succeed and thrive.

Discover incredible resources related to national and community service – search the website, browse by topic, and connect and collaborate with other service professionals:

  • Online Courses
    View our growing catalog of e-courses, available free at the Online Learning Center.
  • Calendar of Events
    Search for upcoming service-related events, or post your own event announcement.
  • Practices and Program Models
    Find good ideas, successful strategies, and studied results for your service program.
  • Samples From the Field
    Access sample documents submitted by programs in the field.
  • Online Library
    Download hundreds of free PDFs on a variety of service-related topics.
  • E-mail Discussion Lists
    Connect and share with other service programs by subscribing to e-mail discussion lists on a range of topics.
  • Videos
    Access a collection of videos related to national and community service.

The Corporation for National and Community Service 2011-2015 Strategic Plan outlines the strategy for addressing the six focus areas previously identified in the Serve America Act: disaster services, economic opportunity, education, environmental stewardship, healthy futures, and veterans and military families. The National Service Knowledge Network gathered resources to help programs achieve the greatest impact in each of the six focus areas:

  • Disaster Services
    This focus area refers to the preparation, mitigation, response, and recovery efforts that relate to disaster events.
  • Economic Opportunity
    This focus area addresses unmet needs of economically disadvantaged individuals, including financial literacy, affordable housing, and employment‐related assistance.
  • Education
    This focus area refers to unmet educational needs within communities, especially those that help at-risk youth to achieve success in school and prevent them from dropping out.
  • Environmental Stewardship
    This focus area applies to energy and water efficiency, renewable energy use, at-risk ecosystems, and behavioral change leading to increased efficiency.
  • Healthy Futures
    This focus area addresses unmet health needs, including access to health care, increasing physical activity and improving nutrition in youth, and increasing seniors’ ability to remain in their own homes.
  • Veterans & Military Families
    This focus area refers to unmet needs of veterans, members of the armed forces, and family members of deployed military personnel.

Also, find key resources in Member and Volunteer Development as well as Capacity Building.

AmeriCorps Program Guidance and Provisions


Both official and sample forms are available online. Official forms are those required by AmeriCorps to manage and report on grants. Sample forms, which are not official, have been provided by grantees and others and can be adapted to suit your own program needs.

Recruit Members for Your Project

To assist you in reaching a national pool of potential members, you can list your program opportunities in the online My AmeriCorps Recruitment System.

Additional Tools and Resources

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