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 Earth Atmospheric Science
TES Level 2 Special Observation of Esperanza Fire - October 26, 2006

The scientists of the Earth Atmospheric Sciences section are conducting research to characterize and understand chemical and dynamical aspects of the earth's atmosphere. Specific research is focused on:

  • Studies to understand natural and human effects on stratospheric ozone and the chemical cycles of ozone, both globally and the enhanced loss in polar regions
  • Mapping the global distribution of water vapor and water vapor isotopes, in order to understand aspects of Earth's water cycle
  • Mapping tropospheric ozone and improving our understanding of processes affecting air quality
  • Measuring and understanding current levels of atmospheric aerosols and their properties to improve our understanding of tropospheric pollution
  • Measuring the spectroscopic properties of molecules, and their fundamental chemical reactions, to aid in interpretation f measurements and model development
Instruments such as the Multi-angle Imaging Spectro-Radiometer (MISR) aboard the Terra spacecraft and the Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) and the Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer (TES) aboard the Aura spacecraft collect some of the data used for these studies. In addition, research is carried out in laboratory studies, aircraft, balloon, ground and space-based observations, theoretical modeling, and data analysis.

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