
Accessibility Policy

ATF is committed to and is making every possible effort to ensure that all electronic and information technology developed, procured, maintained, or used by ATF is accessible to people with disabilities, including both our employees and the customers we serve. This commitment to accessibility for all begins with this site and our efforts to ensure all functionality and all content is accessible to all Americans.

Images on the site contain ‘alt tags,’ which aid users who listen to the content of the site by using a screen reader, rather than reading the site. Likewise, ‘skip to’ links provide these users with a method for bypassing the header and going directly to the main content each time a page is accessed. Text transcripts accompany audio clips of speeches and remarks, and closed captioning is available on videos.

Although the new is still in its initial stages, we are constantly updating our site in an attempt to make it as accessible as possible. To improve the accessibility of, the Bureau has reviewed the site’s accessibility with outside web tools. The results of these reviews have been incorporated into the website. ATF welcomes comments on how to improve the site’s accessibility for users with disabilities.

For further information and to learn more about the regulations governing the accessibility of electronic Federal information products, visit the following sites:

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The following links provided in this section go to external sites. These links are to sites that are managed by organizations, companies, or individuals and are not under ATF control, and ATF is not responsible for the information or links you may find there. ATF provides these links as a convenience and the presence of these links is not an ATF endorsement of the sites. ATF is not responsible for the information collection practices of non-ATF sites. Once you link to another site, you are subject to the privacy policy of the new site, and you should read that site’s policies on privacy and information collection.