MED12-Related Disorders
Includes: FG Syndrome Type 1 | Lujan Syndrome
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Laboratories offering clinical testing:
Sequence analysis of the entire coding regionSequence analysis of select exonsTargeted mutation analysisDeletion/duplication analysisPrenatal diagnosisCarrier testing
Addenbrooke's Hospital
Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom
Rebecca Treacy, FRCPath
ARUP Laboratories
Salt Lake City, UT
Elaine Lyon, PhD; Rong Mao, MD; Pinar Bayrak-Toydemir, MD, PhD; Hunter Best, PhD; Jeffrey Swensen, PhD; Sherrie L. Perkins, MD, PhD
Center for Human Genetics Freiburg
Freiburg, Germany
Prof Dr Jürgen Kohlhase, MD
Cambridge, MA
Aubrey Milunsky, MD, DSc; Jeff Mark Milunsky, MD, FACMG
Centogene AG
Rostock, Germany
Prof Arndt Rolfs, MD; Dr Andrea Breda Klobus, MD; Prof Dr Jürgen Kohlhase, MD
Osnabrueck, Niedersachsen, Germany
Anna Gencik, MD; Andrej Gencik, MD, PhD
Emory University School of Medicine
Atlanta, GA
Madhuri Hegde, PhD, FACMG; Bradford Coffee, PhD, FACMG; Lora JH Bean, PhD, FACMG; Christin Collins, PhD, FACMG; Alice Tanner, PhD, MS, CGC
Kazerin, HaZafon, Israel
Prof Stavit Allon-Shalev
Greenwood Genetic Center
Greenwood, SC
Julie R. Jones, PhD, FACMG; Monica J. Basehore, PhD, FACMG
San Francisco, CA
Prof Dr med Anne Marie Deucher, ABPath; Prof Dr Martin Peter Powers, ABPath
Klinikum Stuttgart
Stuttgart, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany
Saskia Biskup, MD, PhD; Heinz Gabriel, PhD
Marshfield, WI
James L Weber, PhD; Bruce R Krawisz, MD; Khemissa Bejaoui, PhD; Keith Nykamp, PhD; Michael Chicka, PhD; Thomas L Winder, PhD, FACMG; Margaret Ann Chen, PhD, MS, CGC, FACMG; Anthony Krentz, PhD; Dr Juan Dong, PhD, FACMG; Jie Liu, PhD; Jerry Machado, PhD, FCCMG; Dr Wuyan Chen, PhD
Pronto Diagnostics Ltd.
Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv, Israel
Dr Ruth Shomrat
Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre
Nijmegen, Netherlands
H Scheffer, PhD
Note: Grid is blank for laboratories with a GeneTests Laboratory Directory status of Not Current (laboratory failed to provide annual review/verification).
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