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Democracy & Governance

Strengthening institutions for good governance

Democracy & Governance

USAID’s Democracy and Governance program supports the establishment of a broadly accepted national government that promotes national unity and effectively serves the needs of the Afghan people. USAID helps develop the capacity of key institutions including the Independent Electoral Commission, the National Assembly, the Supreme Court, and target ministries and institutions of the executive branch such as the Independent Directorate for Local Governance, and the Civil Service Commission. USAID also provides training to Afghan civil society organizations to advocate for society-led reforms.

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In the years since the fall of the Taliban, Afghanistan has drafted a new constitution and organized presidential, parliamentary, and provincial council elections. The Afghan government is focused on building its capacity to provide basic services to citizens; establishing a more-effective, accountable, and transparent administration at all levels; and implementing measurable improvements in fighting corruption, upholding justice, and increasing the rule of law.


USAID’s Office of Democracy and Governance projects support participatory processes that involve citizens in national and sub-national governance. Projects promote more-accountable, transparent governance, encouraging national unity and serving the needs of the Afghan people. USAID helps develop the capacity of key institutions, including the Independent Electoral Commission, the National Assembly, the Supreme Court, and target ministries and institutions of the executive branch such as the Independent Directorate for Local Governance, and the Civil Service Commission. USAID also provides training to Afghan civil-society organizations to advocate for society-led reforms.


USAID’s rule of law project has three main components: building the capacity of the judiciary and the faculties of law and sharia; strengthening the judiciary’s public legal outreach program; and supporting traditional dispute-resolution mechanisms that foster links between the formal and informal justice systems. Corruption issues are addressed specifically through a range of projects to include strengthening the capacity of, and sustaining activities in the High Office of Oversight, by providing ethics training to various actors including civil servants and the judiciary, and by promoting the enforcement of anti-corruption laws and regulations.

A centerpiece of the new project is its support to traditional dispute mechanisms: building community elders’ knowledge of Afghan law, sharia and human rights norms; encouraging alternatives to social practices that are harmful to women and children; and strengthening the connections between state actors and the informal systems. In addition, the program continues to support the Supreme Court by providing professional training to judges and strengthening the capacity of the courts in managing and budgeting.



The overarching U.S. Government objective is to promote a more-capable, accountable, and effective government in Afghanistan that serves the Afghan people and eventually can function with limited international support. The emphasis is on immediately actionable reforms that will deliver recognizable and useful change in the short-term, while also conducting capacity-building and training that builds a base for indigenous, sustained progress in the longer term.

The governance focus spans several areas, including capacity-building assistance and resources to national, provincial, district, and municipal government entities; mechanisms to reform and train the civil service; establishment of operational budgets at the provincial level; technical support to the Afghan Parliament; support to develop community councils at the district level; and assisting elected officials and civil-society groups to inform the citizenry, respond to their priorities, and direct service delivery.


Transparent, competitive, and credible elections at national, provincial and district levels are a critical component of a democratic system. USAID provides technical support to electoral institutions such as the Independent Election Commission and the Electoral Complaints Commission. It also supports international observation missions, civic and voter education programs, candidate agent training, political parties strengthening, and electoral reform programs through civil society partners, as well as promoting a legitimate, sustainable voter registry system over the long term. Other ongoing efforts include support for issue-based coalition-building, and work on a sub-national level with governors, members of provincial councils, religious leaders, and community organizations on strategic-planning, civic-education, and advocacy.


USAID promotes the development of a strong and active civil-society sector to help Afghan citizens more effectively participate in the political process, solve community problems, and advocate for good governance. Programs seek to improve the laws that regulate non-governmental organizations, increase civil-society accountability, develop capacity and networks for democratic processes, and increase citizen mobilization and policy engagement.

USAID supports media sector development in Afghanistan to promote the free exchange of information and ideas vital to the democratic process. USAID is building the capacity of broadcast media through technical support, equipment upgrades, hands-on training in balanced and accurate reporting, the development of Afghan media policy/regulatory framework to improve media standards, growth and sustainability, and empower local and individual voices.

Assistance for activities that promote gender equality and the development of women’s civic and political leadership is a priority component of multiple civil-society, governance, rule of law, and political processes programs

Fact Sheet Democracy and Governance Sector Sep 2012

Project Implementing Partner(s)

Support to Sub-National Governance Institutions

Afghanistan Civil Service Support (ACSS)

Afghanistan Local Governance Assistance Project (ALGAP)

Afghanistan Media Development and Empowerment Project (AMDEP)

Afghanistan Municipal Strengthening Program (AMSP)

Afghanistan Parliamentary Assistance Program (APAP)

Afghanistan Rule of Law Project (ARoLP)

Afghanistan Social Outreach Program (ASOP)

Assistance to Afghanistan’s Anti-Corruption Authority (4A)

Awareness Rising and Education of Afghan Citizens - Fixed Obligation Grant (FOG)

Building Independent Media in Afghanistan

Capacity Development Program (CDP)

Center of Government (CoG) Project

CityLinks Project

Conflict Mediation and Governance - Fixed Obligation Grant (FOG)

Election Observation Mission – 2010 Wolisi Jirga

Electoral Reform and Civic Advocacy (AERCA)

Engaging, Empowering and Mobilizing Provincial Council Members (FOG Grant)

Enhancing Accountability and Transparency at Sub-National Level – (FOG Grant)

Enhancing Legal and Electoral Capacity for Tomorrow (ELECT)

Foreign Affairs Institutional Reform (FAIR)

Governance Annual Program Statement (GAPS)

Improved Aid Accountability at Sub-National Level - Fixed Obligation Grant (FOG)

Initiative to Promote Afghan Civil Society (I-PACS II)

Kabul City Initiative (KCI)

Media Development in Afghanistan

National Media Assessment

On-budget Support for Independent Administrative and Civil Service Commission (IARCSC)

Performance Based Governors Fund (PBGF)

Promoting Conflict Resolution, Peace Building, and Governance for Afghanistan

Regional Afghan Municipalities Program for Urban Populations (RAMP UP)

Rule of Law Stabilization Program – Formal Component

Rule of Law Stabilization Program – Informal Component

Safe-house for At-Risk Women and Girls - Fixed Obligation Grant (FOG)

Strategic Support to the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

Support for Increased Electoral Participation in Afghanistan

Support to Afghanistan Independent Bar Association (SAIBA)

Support to MEDICA - Fixed Obligation Grant (FOG)

Support to the Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission (AIHRC)

Support to the Elections Process (STEP)

Supporting the International Observation Mission

Survey of the Afghan People

Urban Revitalization Project

Voter Registration and Election Implementation Program

Voter Registration Project (VRP)

Democracy and Governance Snapshot

  • Trained more than 600 judges and strengthened the Supreme Court

  • Improved capacity of the National Assembly to provide more effective oversight of the budget and legislative processes

  • Created more than 115 district community councils and trained 8,052 community council members on management, good governance, conflict resolution, peace building, and disaster risk reduction

  • Trained 16,000 civil servants (26% of whom are women) in core administrative functions

  • Funded more than 50 community radio stations and trained more than 11,440 journalists

  • Facilitated 506 community dialogues for 12,959 individuals – discussed pressing community needs, local solutions, and action plans to address their needs

  • Increased municipal revenue in 34 municipalities, including Kabul Municipality, leading to improved service delivery based on community input

(Data as of January 2013)