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HomeLegislationLegislation Sponsored- 112th Congress

Legislation Sponsored- 112th Congress

H.R. 177, the “Death Tax Repeal Act,” would completely abolish the death tax, the gift tax, and the generation-skipping transfer tax.  This permanent repeal will eliminate one facet of our indefensible tax code – the death tax is wrong, unfair, and goes against the American ethic to work hard and pass something along to your kids. This repeal will also provide folks the stability and certainty they need to plan the future of their family farm or small business.

To read more about the Death Tax Repeal Act, please click here.

H.R. 314, the "Medical Liability and Procedural Reform Act," will authorize the Attorney General to give grants to states that establish health care tribunals that provide alternatives to current tort litigation.  The data collected in these projects will be used to improve patient care and decrease medical errors.  These tribunals will not only provide a more fair and predictable liability process for doctors, they will encourage the sharing of best practices among medical professionals in all states, leading to a safer, and more uniform medical system for all Americans.

To read more about the Medical Liability Procedural Reform Act, please click here.

H.R. 315, the "Health Care Paperwork Reduction and Fraud Prevention Act," establishes a Commission on Billing Codes and Forms Simplification that is tasked with working with Medicare and the medical community to standardize and simplify billing practices while protecting patient privacy.  The Commission would also study electronic forms and billing practices while protecting patient privacy.  This measure takes a practical approach by establishing pilot programs to work out the details with doctors, insurance companies, and government agencies before system-wide changes are implemented.

To read more about the Health Care Paperwork Reduction and Fraud Prevention Act, please click here.

H.R.1023, the “No More Excuses Energy Act of 2011,” promotes energy production of all kinds here at home.  Our country continues to face serious challenges on energy issues, some of which are made worse by government policies.  Too often, the federal government ties the hands of energy producers, making it more difficult and more expensive to produce the energy each of us needs every day.  H.R. 1023 opens up areas placed off-limits to oil and gas exploration and production, and it encourages the construction of new refineries.  It also promotes alternative energy sources, including modern nuclear power plants, and restricts the Environmental Protection Agency from imposing burdensome global warming regulations.

To read more about the No More Excuses Energy Act of 2011, please click here.

H.R. 1055, the “Part D Off-Label Prescription Parity Act” will allow a Medicare Part D provider to cover an off-label use of a drug that is medically accepted based on supportive clinical evidence in peer-reviewed medical literature, as is the case for Medicare Part B and for Part D medications used to treat cancer.  In medicine, it is common practice for a physician to prescribe an off-label use of a drug, one that is not approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for a specific purpose listed on the drug label, based on existing medical literature and their own professional judgment.  Currently, many Medicare consumers who suffer from serious, and sometimes life-threatening, conditions are unable to access safe and effective off-label medications under Part D.

To read more about the Part D Off-Label Prescription Parity Act, please click here.

H.R. 3212, the “CAH Designation Waiver Authority Act of 2011” would restore the authority of states to waive the 35-mile rule for designation as a Critical Access Hospital (CAH) for necessary providers.  Prior to January 1, 2006, states could grant a waiver for the 35-mile requirement if the state determined a particular hospital was a necessary provider of health care.  Hospitals play a vital role in our nation’s economy.  In many small, rural communities, hospitals are often one of the area’s primary employers—providing much needed jobs and helping to attract new industry.    

To read more about the CAH Designation Waiver Authority Act of 2011, please click here.

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