Triple amputee veteran gets incredible gift

April 22, 2010 3:13:06 PM PDT
A soldier who lost three limbs in the war in Iraq will get to live an independent life in a brand new home thanks to a charity organization. Retired Army Staff Sergeant Matt Lammers has been in his new home for just over a week. Lammers is an Iraq war veteran. On his second tour in his convoy was ambushed by insurgents. He lost both of his legs and an arm. Now, after a long recovery and a lot of rehab, he is learning to adjust.

He said, "It's a lesson in patience, definitely, having to do everything one handed, but I'm getting a little better at it."

Last week Lammers was given the keys to a brand new 2,600 foot home by the 'Helping a Hero' organization. Just like any new homeowner he's still putting some things away, and looks forward to putting shades on the windows.

The home is specially designed for his needs, including a roll-in shower, lower counters and wider doorways. He was also given a year of free electricity and free internet, cable and phone service.

Lammers said, "Kind of help me get back on my feet, so to speak."

Lammers says he's overwhelmed by the generosity he has experienced since returning from Iraq, and he hopes to somehow give back, even if he's not sure how.

"I had these plans, now it's just plan B," Lammers said. "I thought the military was my life and so now it's just kind of regrouping and reorganizing, and figuring out what to do."

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