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Green Power Marketing

Asmus, P. "Power To The People: How Local Governments Can Build Green Electricity Markets," Renewable Energy Policy Project, Issue Brief No. 9, January 1998.

Aulisi, A. and C. Hanson, 2004. Corporate Guide to Green Power Markets (Installment 6): Developing Next Generation Green Power Products for Corporate Markets in North America. World Resources Institute, Washington, DC. (PDF 532 KB)

Austin, Duncan and Craig Hanson. Introducing Green Power for Corporate Markets: Business Case, Challenges, and Steps Forward. World Resources Institute, Washington, DC, July 2002.

Bird, L., L. Dagher, and B. Swezey, 2007. Green Power Marketing in the United States: A Status Report (Tenth Edition), NREL/TP-670-42502. Golden, CO: National Renewable Energy Laboratory, December. (PDF 2.1 MB)

Bird, L., C. Kreycik, and B. Friedman, 2008. Green Power Marketing in the United States: A Status Report (Eleventh Edition), NREL/TP-6A2-44094. Golden, CO: National Renewable Energy Laboratory, October. (PDF 762 KB)

Bird, L., C. Kreycik, and B. Friedman, 2009. Green Power Marketing in the United States: A Status Report (2008 Data), NREL/TP-6A2-46581. Golden, CO: National Renewable Energy Laboratory, September. (PDF 880 KB)

Bird, L., J. Sumner, 2010. Green Power Marketing in the United States: A Status Report (2009 Data). NREL/TP-6A20-49403. Golden, CO: National Renewable Energy Laboratory, September. (PDF 1.1 MB)

Bird, L., E. Holt, and G. Carroll, 2007. Implications of Carbon Regulation for Green Power Markets, NREL/TP-640-41076. Golden, CO: National Renewable Energy Laboratory, April. (PDF 982 KB)

Bird, L. and B. Swezey, 2003. Green Power Marketing in the United States: A Status Report (Sixth Edition), NREL/TP-620-35119. Golden, CO: National Renewable Energy Laboratory, October. (PDF 1.6 MB)

Bird, L. and B. Swezey, 2004. Green Power Marketing in the United States: A Status Report (Seventh Edition), NREL/TP-620-36823. Golden, CO: National Renewable Energy Laboratory, September. (PDF 2.1 MB)

Bird, L. and B. Swezey, 2005. Green Power Marketing in the United States: A Status Report (Eighth Edition), NREL/TP-620-38994. Golden, CO: National Renewable Energy Laboratory, October. (PDF 2.6 MB)

Bird, L. and B. Swezey, 2006. Green Power Marketing in the United States: A Status Report (Ninth Edition), NREL/TP-620-40904. Golden, CO: National Renewable Energy Laboratory, November. (PDF 1.5 MB)

Bird, L. and E.S. Brown, 2006. Utility-Marketer Partnerships: An Effective Strategy for Marketing Green Power?. NREL/TP-620-39730. Golden, CO: National Renewable Energy Laboratory, April. (PDF 766 KB)

Bird, L., R. Wustenhagen, and J. Aabakken. Green Power Marketing Abroad: Recent Experience and Trends, NREL/TP-620-32155. Golden, CO: National Renewable Energy Laboratory, April 2002. (PDF 1.1 MB)

Bird, L., and E. Holt, "Aggregated Purchasing — A Clean Energy Strategy," Solar Today, Nov/Dec 2002, 16(6): 34-37. (PDF 642 KB)

Bird, L., R. Wustenhagen, J. Aabakken, "A Review of International Green Power Markets: Recent Experience, Trends, and Market Drivers" Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 6(6): 513-536, 2002.

Bird, L., B. Swezey, "Green Power Marketing In The United States," North American Windpower, January 2005. (PDF 80 KB)

Brennan, P. "In Power Market, It's Not Easy Being Green." Orange County Register, December 21, 1997.

Center for Resource Solutions, 2001 Green-e Verification Report, San Francisco, California, December 2002. (PDF 279 KB)

Davidson, R. "A Green Power Market in the Making," Wind Power Monthly, March, 15 (1): 34-40, 1999.

Davidson, R. "Competition and the Green Challenge," Wind Power Monthly, June: pp. 30-35, 1997.

Dogterom, J. J., M. McCulloch, and A. Pape-Salmon. Green Power Marketing in Canada: The State of the Industry, Pembina Institute, Drayton Valley, Alberta, Canada. December 2002.

Dunn, S. Power of Choice. World Watch, (September/October): 30-35, 1997.

Eckhart, M., 2004. Challenge and Change: Marketing Renewable Energy in America, Renewable Energy World, 7(1) January/February: 60-69.

Energy Center of Wisconsin "Green Power in Perspective: Lessons from the Marketing of Consumer Goods." December 1997.

Environmental Futures The Massachusetts Electric Choice New England Pilot: A Focus on the Green Option. Subcontract Report No. 23552. Work performed by Environmental Futures, Boston, Massachusetts, for National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, CO. August 1997.

Fang, J. Power Marketing and Renewable Energy. Golden, CO: National Renewable Energy Laboratory, September 1997. (NREL/SP-460-22080)

Federal Energy Management Program. Purchasing Renewable Energy: A Guidebook for Federal Agencies. Prepared by Lawrence Berkeley Laboratories, September 2000.

Gifford, G. Green Power Marketing in Rhode Island. Prepared by Cause & Effect for Save the Bay, 1997.

Glaser, P. "Green Power Marketing Claims: A Free Ride on Conventional Power," Electricity Journal, 12(6): 32-40, 1999.

Golove, B., M. Bolinger and R. Wiser. Purchasing Renewable Energy: A Guidebook for Federal Agencies, Prepared by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, LBNL 46766, August 2000. (PDF 788 KB)

Gornstein, L. "Fuzzy Advertising May Set Consumers Up For Future Shock." Orange County Register. December 21. 1997.

"Green Electricity" Editorial, Boston Globe, June 8, 1998, p. A14.

Green Mountain Power Proposal for Restructuring in the Electric Utility Industry, 1998.

Heeter, J., P. Armstrong, L. Bird, 2012. Market Brief: Status of the Voluntary Renewable Energy Certificate Market (2011 Data). NREL/TP-6A20-52925 (PDF 974 KB)

Holt, E. and Fang, J. The New Hampshire Retail Competition Pilot Program & The Role of Green Marketing, Topical Issues Brief. National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, CO, November 1997. (NREL/SP-260-23446)

Holt, E. "It's the Market, Stupid!", Green Power Newsletter, No. 7, April, 1999. Regulatory Assistance Project, Gardiner, Maine. (PDF 1.53 MB)

Holt, E. and L. Bird. Customer Aggregation: An Opportunity for Green Power? NREL/TP-620-29408. Golden, CO: National Renewable Energy Laboratory, February 2001. (PDF 556 KB)

Holt, E. and R. Wiser. Understanding Consumer Demand for Green Power. Report prepared for the National Wind Coordinating Committee, 1999.

Holt, E.A., R. Wiser, M. Fowlie, R. Mayer and S. Innis. 2000. Understanding Non-Residential Demand for Green Power. Report prepared for the American Wind Energy Association and National Wind Coordinating Committee. December/Updated April 2001. (PDF 1.3 MB)

Jones, L. "Educated Opinions," in Electric Perspectives, (Jan/Feb):10-17, 1997.

Main, T., T. Morsta and L. Hall, Unplugging Texas' Most Powerful Polluters: A Report On How To Choose Electricity and Why It Matters. Prepared for Public Citizen's Texas Office and The SEED Coalition, July 2002. (PDF 505 KB)

Massy, J. "Many a Weed in the Nursery Market," Wind Power Monthly, September, 15 (9): 34-41, 1999.

Mayer, R., E. Blank, R. Udall, and J. Nielsen Promoting Renewable Energy in a Market Environment: A Community-Based Approach for Aggregating Green Demands. Report prepared by the Land and Water Fund of the Rockies, Boulder, Colorado and the Community Office of Resource Efficiency, Aspen, Colorado, 1997. (PDF 224 KB)

Mayer, Rudd, Eric Blank and Blair Swezey. "The Grassroots are Greener: A Community-Based Approach to Marketing Green Power", Research Report, No.8, June, 1999. Renewable Energy Policy Project, Washington, DC.

Means, R. "Evaluation of a Proposal for Green Power Price Insurance," Special Report of the Renewable Energy Policy Project, May 1999.

Moore, M. "How California is Advancing Green Power," Electricity Journal, 13(7): 72-77, 2000.

Motavalli, J. "Power Struggle: Will Deregulation Finally Unplug 'Dirty' Electricity?" E/The Environmental Magazine, November 1997.

Ottman, J. "Renewable Energy: Ultimate Marketing Challenge," Marketing News, April 1997.

Ottman, J. Green Marketing: Opportunity For Innovation, Second Edition, NTCContemporary Books, 270 pp., 1998. (ISBN#: 0-8442-3239-4)

Pepper, J.C. "Premiums Paid for Green Generation in the APX Green Power Market." Conference paper prepared for Windpower 2000, April 30 - May 3, 2000, Palm Springs, California. (PDF 293 KB)

Rader, N. and W. Short (1998). "Competitive Retail Markets: Tenuous Ground for Renewable Energy." The Electricity Journal, 11(3).

Rader, N. Green Buyers Beware: A Critical Review of "Green Electricity" Products, Public Citizen, October 1998.

Rader, N. "Fundamental Requirements for an Effective Green Market." Prepared for the Second Annual Green Marketing & Green Pricing Conference. Corpus Chriti, TX, May 13, 1997.

Rader, N. "California Green Power Marketing: Predictably Disappointing." American Local Power Project, Guest Opinion, December 1998.

ReGen Technologies. Charter of ReGen Technologies. May 1997.

Reed, G. and A. Houston. Status of the U.S. Green Power Market, Prepared for the ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, August 2000. (PDF 1.7 MB)

Rothstein, S. and Fang, J. Green Marketing in the Massachusetts Electric Retail Competition Pilot Program, Topical Issues Brief. Golden, CO: National Renewable Energy Laboratory. October 1997. (NREL/SP-260-23507)

Serchuk, A. and R. Hirsh "Condemned to Repeat? IOUs, History, and Green Markets." The Electricity Journal, 11(2) 76-86, 1998.

Swezey, B., L. Bird, and C. Herig. "Supporting Solar Through Green Power Markets." Paper presented at the American Solar Energy Society Conference, Austin, Texas, June 26, 2003. (PDF 144 KB)

Swezey, B.G., Bird, L. and Peterson, T.M. Summary of the Fifth DOE/EPRI Green Pricing and Green Power Marketing Conference, 2000.

Swezey, B.G., Bird, L. and Peterson, T.M. Presentations of the Sixth DOE/EPRI Green Pricing and Green Power Marketing Conference, 2001.

Swezey, B. and L. Bird. "Businesses Lead the "Green Power" Charge," Solar Today, Jan/Feb 2001, Vol. 15, No. 1.

Swezey, B. and L. Bird, Green Power Marketing in the United States: A Status Report, NREL/TP-620-28738. Golden: CO: National Renewable Energy Laboratory, August 2000. (PDF 616 KB)

Swezey, B.G. and T.M. Peterson. Summary of the First DOE/EPRI Green Pricing Workshop, 1996.

Swezey, B.G. and Peterson, T.M. Summary of the Fourth DOE/EPRI Green Pricing and Green Power Marketing Conference, 1999.

Swezey, B.G. and Peterson, T.M. Summary of the Third DOE/EPRI Green Pricing and Green Power Marketing Conference, 1998.

Swezey, B., A. Houston and K. Porter, "Green Power Takes Off with Choice in Electricity," Public Utilities Fortnightly, August 1998.

Swezey, B.G., Bird, L. and Peterson, T.M. Presentations of the Sixth DOE/EPRI Green Pricing and Green Power Marketing Conference, 2002.

Swezey, B. and Bird, L. Information Brief on Green Power Marketing, 4th Edition. NREL/TP-620-26901. Golden: CO: National Renewable Energy Laboratory, August 1999. (PDF 629 KB)

Swezey, B.G. and Peterson, T.M. Summary of the Second DOE/EPRI Green Pricing and Green Power Marketing Conference, 1997.

Tampier, M. Promoting Green Power In Canada. Prepared by Pollution Probe for Environment Canada. November 2002. (PDF 4 MB)

U.S. EPA Green Power Partnership, A Guide to Buying and Benefitting from Green Power (Draft), Washington, D.C., 2002.

United States Federal Trade Commission, 2001. Competition and Consumer Protection Perspectives on Electric Power Regulatory Reform: Focus on Retail Competition, Staff Report. September. (PDF 912 KB)

United States Federal Trade Commission, 2000. Competition and Consumer Protection Perspectives on Electric Power Regulatory Reform, Staff Report. July.

Wind Energy Weekly. "Green Pricing Concept Gains Ground; Issues Remain. Ultimate Value of Green Marketing Plans Will Depend on Competition, Says AWEA." May 26, 1997, pp. 1-3.

Wiser, R. 2003. Using Contingent Valuation to Explore Willingness to Pay for Renewable Energy: A Comparison of Collective and Voluntary Payment Vehicles. LBNL-53239. Berkeley, California: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. (PDF 9.1 MB)

Wiser, R. and S. Pickle."Green Marketing, Renewable, and Free Riders: Increasing Customer Demand for a Public Good. Report prepared by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California. September 1997. LBNL-40632. (PDF 212 KB)

Wiser, R. and S. Pickle Selling Green Power in California: Product Industry and Market Trends. Report prepared by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California, May 1998. LBNL-41807. (PDF 158 KB)

Wiser, R., M. Bolinger, E. Holt, and B. Swezey. Forecasting the Growth of Green Power Markets in the United States. (PDF 1 MB) NREL/TP-620-30101, Golden: CO: National Renewable Energy Laboratory, October 2001.

Wiser, R., S. Pickle and J. Eto Details, Details... The Impact of Market Rules on Emerging "Green" Energy Markets. Report prepared by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California. September, 1998. LBNL-41812. (PDF 172)

Wiser, R., M. Bolinger, and E. Holt. Customer Choice and Green Power Marketing: A Critical Review and Analysis of Experience to Date. Prepared for the ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, August 2000. (PDF 1.7 MB)

Wiser, R., Porter K., Fang J. and Houston A. Green Power Marketing in Retail Competition: An Early Assessment Report prepared by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California and National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, CO. February, 1999. LBNL-42286; NREL/TP.620.25939. (PDF 232 KB)

Wiser, R.H. "The Role of Public Policy in Emerging Green Power Markets: An Analysis of Marketer Preferences," Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 4(2):177-212, 2000. (PDF 186 KB)

Wood, E. "Retail Marketing: Power Providers, Regulators Learn Hard Truths of Product Marketing 101," Electrical World, May 1997, pp. 42-44.

Zarnikau, J. 2003. "Consumer Demand for 'Green Power' and Energy Efficiency." Energy Policy, 31: 1661-1672.


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