Argonne National Laboratory Nuclear Engineering Division

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U.S. Department of Energy


Nuclear Engineering Division researchers have developed a number of large-scale computer codes for scientific and engineering applications. These codes are validated and maintained for application in a variety of nuclear energy research programs.
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Fast Reactor Cross Section Processing Codes

  • ETOE-2 - A program for ENDF/B to MC22 data conversion
  • MC2-2 - A code to calculate fast neutron spectra and multigroup cross sections
  • SDX - A space dependent cross section generation capability

Diffusion and Transport Theory Codes

  • DIF3D - DIF3D's nodal option solves the multigroup steadystate neutron diffusion and (for cartesian geometry only) transport equations in two- and three-dimensional hexagonal and cartesian geometries.
  • DIF3DK - A Nodal Kinetics Code for Solving the Time-Dependent Diffusion Equation
  • VIM - A continuous energy neutron and photon transport code

Fuel Cycle / Depletion Codes

  • REBUS-3 - A system of codes designed for the analysis of reactor fuel cycles
  • RCT - Post-processor for the depletion-dependent results of REBUS-3/DIF3D nodal calculations
  • ORIGEN-RA - Modified version of the ORIGEN code developed by Oak Ridge National Laboratory to perform nuclide transmutation calculations based on the flux history computed with REBUS-3 and RCT

Perturbation Theory Codes

  • VARI3D - Generalized perturbation theory code (computation of reactivity coefficient distributions and kinetics parameters)

Thermal-Hydraulic Codes

Reactor Dynamics and Safety Analysis Codes

  • SAS4A - Software designed to perform deterministic analysis of severe accidents in liquid metal cooled reactors (LMRs)
  • SASSYS-1 - Software designed to perform deterministic analysis of design basis and beyond-design basis accidents in liquid metal cooled reactor (LMR) plants
  • SAS-DIF3DK - Software designed to perform deterministic analysis of coupled neutronics/thermal-hydraulic transients in water-cooled thermal reactors

Surveillance and Diagnostics Codes

  • MSET - Software system for real-time process monitoring
  • PRODIAG - Software environment for producing customized diagnostic systems for continuous thermal-hydraulic (T-H) processes

Acquired Codes

  • KENO
  • WIMS
  • MCNP
  • RELAP5-Mod 3.2


Last Modified: Wed, September 21, 2011 12:04 PM

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