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National Cancer Institute
U.S. National Institutes of Health

NCI Service Oriented Architecture Strategy

The National Cancer Institute Center for Biomedical Informatics and Information Technology (NCI CBIIT), through its cancer Biomedical Informatics Grid1 (caBIG®) program, is implementing a semantic Service Oriented Architecture (sSOA) to support the integration of the divergent data types (e.g. outcomes, clinical encounters, bio-specimen annotations, medical images, molecular biology information, etc.) that are collected by the large number of independent organizations widely distributed across the United States and beyond. The CBIIT sSOA will also enable the coordination of functionality between the various information systems that reside within those organizations to facilitate collaborative data processing and work flow execution.

In particular, NCI CBIIT is developing the catalogue of Business Capability and associated supporting services necessary to meet the informational and functional integration requirements of its diverse oncology research and care community. These services can be implemented in a largely standalone fashion to allow for the rapid creation of new applications through the marshalling of services. Alternatively, they can also be integrated with existing applications to ensure working interoperability between differing systems that need to access or exchange specific classes of information and/or coordinate cross-application behaviors.

NCI Services Inventory

Services Implementation Modes

Services-Aware Interoperability Framework (SAIF)

How You Can Contribute

Developers: Find technical information and an inventory of existing or planned Services.


  1. General Overview and Detailed Community Portal
  5. The caBIG® Open Source license
  6. caGrid Information
  7. The ECCF is based on the ISO Reference Model for Open Distributed Processing standard in combination with the Object Management Group's Model-Driven Architecture standard

Learn more about how the NCI is applying caBIG® and Web 2.0 to speed the nation's shift to digital medicine and Health 2.0.

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