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Northeastern Area

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Fire and Aviation Management

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The Fire and Aviation Management group helps the 20 Northeastern and Midwestern states deliver comprehensive wildland fire management programs, including providing grants and technical assistance. The goal is to protect people, property and resources while encouraging an integrated, well balanced fire management program in each state.

Our forests and grasslands are important to our quality of life now and for future generations. Comprehensive fire management programs help ensure well managed, healthy forests and grasslands in these 20 states - home for more than 40 percent of Americans. Goals of these programs are to:

  • Improve wildland firefighting capacity and safety.
  • Reduce hazardous fuel conditions in and around communities.
  • Help acquire fire and safety equipment.
  • Support state aviation programs and local resources.
  • Train firefighters and provide operational support.
  • Organize new fire departments in unprotected communities.
  • Support multi-state/Canadian province forest fire compacts, which pledge mutual aid during a catastrophic wildfire.
Our Program and Services

Cooperative fire protection program funds and assistance come through several programs: 

Resources and Publications

  • Cumulative Watershed Effects: a synthesis of the current state-of-knowledge on the effects of fuel management activities on watershed processes and health.
  • Featured Projects: examples of how NA provides cutting edge technical and financial assistance to State and other partners to help manage nonfederal forests.
  • Fire Safety Brief: This periodic brief has information about safety alerts for fire equipment and personal fire safety. It also has links to alert you to information from other sources.
  • Northeast Wildfire Risk Assessment, September 2010: this report identifies areas that are prone to wildfire in the states served by NA, and will help prioritize hazard mitigation efforts and focus resources in the areas of greatest need within each state. (For a high-resolution version suitable for commercial printing, click here.)
  • Living with Fire—Making Wise Choices: compare and contrast how Native American used fire as a tool with the wildland fire situation today. Can fire be an effective land management tool today? If so, how do we make wise choices concerning it? Includes school curriculum.
  • Success Stories: examples of Fire and Aviation Management projects that have had a positive impact on their communities.


  • Eastern Area Coordination Center: provides logistical support, resources, and intelligence for anticipated and ongoing wildland fire activity in the area served by NA.
  • Fire Compacts: state forest fire compacts reduce wildfire suppression costs by allowing states to share personnel and equipment, minimizing the burden during periods of high fire occurrence.


Page Contact: Keith Tackett
October 15, 2012