United States Department of Veterans Affairs
MIRECC Centers

South Central MIRECC Home Page-MIRECC Centers











South Central Mental Illness Research, Education and Clinical Center (SC MIRECC)


The South Central MIRECC is known for its strong educational/training programs and clinical services initiatives. In addition, the South Central MIRECC has expertise in conducting large-scale clinical trainings in evidence based treatments and in implementing training (i.e., getting new skills into actual clinical practice).

The Center's mission is "to promote equity in engagement, access, and quality of mental health care for Veterans facing barriers to care, especially rural Veterans.” The Center's organizational structure includes four main components: Research, Education, Improving Clinical Care, and Research Training.




Recently Updated!

  • Guide to VA Mental Health Services for Veterans & Familes in English and Spanish
    The Guide was created in 2011 by the SC MIRECC as an accessible translation of the Uniform Mental Health Services Handbook. It was extremely popular. This version is an update and expansion of the original. What is more, VA Central Office has adopted the new version as a VHA Publication that is published and distributed by the VHA Forms, Publications and Records Management Service. The Guide is printed in English and can be ordered through your nearest medical center facility Forms and Publication Officer and providing the following order information: IB 10-492, P965548- Guide to VA Mental Health Services for Veterans and Families, dated July 30, 2012. If you need help ordering the guide, email Brian.Radford@va.gov in VA Central Office Mental Health Services. You can also download the Guide for free below.

Download the Guide to Mental Health Services for Veteran & Families in English

Descargue la version en Español de la "Indique a VA Servicios de Sanidad Mentales para Veteranos & Familias."


Now Available!

  • Working with Couples Training Modules 
    The Working with Couples modules were developed by Drs. Michelle Sherman and Michael Kauth based on live training content created by Drs. Michelle Sherman, Ursula Bowling, and Dutch Doerman. The six modules provide an overview of essential content and skills for treating the Veteran and his or her partner or spouse who struggle with communication problems, anger and conflict, mental illness, trauma, and reintegration into the family after deployment. This training targets VA clinicians but may be helpful to non-VA providers who work with Veterans. Additional training and supervision are required to become competent to provide couples therapy. Funding for the Working with Couples program was provided by the VA South Central MIRECC.

Visit the Working with Couples Training Modules Website


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