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Washington, DC– Rep. Pete Olson (R-Sugar Land) today issued the following statement in response to the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) announcement of their intent to block a proposed merger between AT&T and T-Mobile:

"On the very same day AT&T announced plans to bring 5,000 American jobs back to American soil, the largest such repatriation of overseas jobs by any company since the Bush Administration in 2008, the Justice Department filed an antitrust lawsuit to block AT&T's merger with T-Mobile. At a time when our nation's economy is struggling to grow jobs, this announcement comes as an unneeded blow.

"With this latest move, it’s hard to figure out who this Justice Department is working for.  If they are not trying to stop the closure of the terrorist prisons at Guantanamo Bay, then they are helping Mexican gangsters acquire weapons through their imbecilic “Fast and Furious” program. Congress has found no reason why this merger should not go through.  Blocking an American company from acquiring a foreign-owned company, which will bring back thousands of American jobs as well as pump many billions into the economy doesn’t make sense.”  


Media Contact: Melissa Kelly
