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Multi Sensor Subsets - Pilot
To understand the ecological and biogeochemical characteristics of a region, several data sets have to be assembled for analysis. In general creation of these data bundles is manual and time consuming. In 2011, ORNL DAAC UWG members who represent ORNL DAAC's diverse user community reccommended that the ORNL DAAC explore the creation of data bundles/services. The data bundles are pre-created data sets organized by science themes such as land cover, carbon, and phenology.

To faciliate the data bundle needs of the user community, the ORNL DAAC has created a pilot project for multi-sensor subsets. The pilot multi sensor subsetting activity will be data subsets of several land parameters for 3-10 field sites.
See document for more details.

Sensor data
The following data have been shortlisted for this pilot activity

Access to data bundles
The data bundles would be made available in the following ways

  • Direct download as zip files
  • FTP Access
  • Web based visualization and download through OGC services (SDAT)

    SDAT and OGC Services
    The ORNL DAAC is interested in accessing the community's interest in these data bundles. To help gather information for this activity the ORNL DAAC would like to gather feedback on the usability and access/delivery mechanism for these data bundles. If you are interested in this activity and would like to provide reccomendations to ORNL DAAC please provide them from our feedback page.


Revision Date: November 15, 2012 webmaster