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eJournal USA
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  2. Information = Power Do you agree? Why?

    Today, World Development Information Day, highlights how developing areas are improving because of access to information.
    Photo: Information = Power   Do you agree? Why?  

Today, World Development Information Day, highlights how developing areas are improving because of access to information.
  3. Today is United Nations Day! What has been the best result of the UN's work?
    "With so much at stake, the United Nations must keep pace across the spectrum of its activities — peace, development, human rights, the rule of law, the empowerment of the world's women and youth." - UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon
    Photo: "With so much at stake, the United Nations must keep pace across the spectrum of its activities — peace, development, human rights, the rule of law, the empowerment of the world's women and youth." - UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon
  4. Do you think individuals are tools for building a better society? Why?
    The United Nations, made up of representatives from 193 Member States, now works to find solutions for global challenges. http://goo.gl/jTHhK
    Photo: The United Nations, made up of representatives from 193 Member States, now works to find solutions for global challenges.  http://goo.gl/jTHhK
  5. What is a success story of when you worked in a group?
    What is a success story of when you worked in a group?
    Photo: What is a success story of when you worked in a group?
  6. Tonight’s presidential debate, focused on foreign policy, is the last debate before the elections. If you were the moderator, what questions would you ask the candidates?
    Photo: Tonight’s presidential debate, focused on foreign policy, is the last debate before the elections.   If you were the moderator, what questions would you ask the candidates?
  7. What tool is necessary for improving the lives of others?

    Djahida Messaoudi, an Algerian student who participated in Coca-Cola’s summer entrepreneurship program, believes entrepreneurship can improve a society. Read more about her story at http://goo.gl/x3AKL and tell us if you agree with her!
    Photo: What tool is necessary for improving the lives of others? 

Djahida Messaoudi, an Algerian student who participated in Coca-Cola’s summer entrepreneurship program, believes entrepreneurship can improve a society.  Read more about her story at http://goo.gl/x3AKL and tell us if you agree with her!
  8. Today in history 1959: Guggenheim Museum opens in NYC. The building that was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright is considered a work of art itself. What is your favorite piece of art?
    Photo: Today in history 1959: Guggenheim Museum opens in NYC.  The building that was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright is considered a work of art itself.  What is your favorite piece of art?
  9. Indiana State University students sold their works and donated the proceeds to 11 non-profit organizations. http://goo.gl/70EZ5

    What are the effects of small contributions on big non-profit organizations?
    Photo: Indiana State University students sold their works and donated the proceeds to 11 non-profit organizations. http://goo.gl/70EZ5

 What are the effects of small contributions on big non-profit organizations?
  10. Where do you find harmony?

    Daniel Pearl World Music Days celebrate “Harmony for Humanity” with music performances around the world. This year, the organization is featuring eStage, an online radio station specifically for the event. See more about eStage at: http://goo.gl/DVmVA
    Photo: Where do you find harmony?

Daniel Pearl World Music Days celebrate “Harmony for Humanity” with music performances around the world.  This year, the organization is featuring eStage, an online radio station specifically for the event. See more about eStage at: http://goo.gl/DVmVA
  11. Hunger and poverty afflicts millions worldwide. Many, individuals and organizations, take measures to provide aid both locally and internationally. Read how a group of youth volunteer their time to “harvest against hunger” at http://goo.gl/...

    What is the best thing an organization can do to relieve these issues?

    A - Donate money
    B - Set aside crops for low-income individuals/ families
    C - Limit food waste
    D - Tell us what you do!
    See More
    Photo: Hunger and poverty afflicts millions worldwide. Many, individuals and organizations, take measures to provide aid both locally and internationally. Read how a group of youth volunteer their time to “harvest against hunger” at http://goo.gl/uT4N5 

What is the best thing an organization can do to relieve these issues?

A - Donate money
B - Set aside crops for low-income individuals/ families
C - Limit food waste
D - Tell us what you do!
  12. Grace Potter of Grace Potter and the Nocturnals performs on stage during the Farm Aid 2012 concert. The annual concert shines light on sustainable agriculture and empowering local farmers: http://goo.gl/00fyo

    Do you think concerts are a good way to educate individuals about social and eco-issues?
    Photo: Grace Potter of Grace Potter and the Nocturnals performs on stage during the Farm Aid 2012 concert. The annual concert shines light on sustainable agriculture and empowering local farmers: http://goo.gl/00fyo

Do you think concerts are a good way to educate individuals about social and eco-issues?
  13. What are your ideas about ending global hunger and malnutrition?

    Join us in a live webchat with Tony Hall, Executive Director of the Alliance to End Hunger and former Ambassador to the UN Food & Agriculture Agencies in Rome. He will answer your questions online and discuss current efforts to improve food security worldwide. Join at http://goo.gl/Td5q7
    Photo: What are your ideas about ending global hunger and malnutrition?

Join us in a live webchat with Tony Hall, Executive Director of the Alliance to End Hunger and former Ambassador to the UN Food & Agriculture Agencies in Rome. He will answer your questions online and discuss current efforts to improve food security worldwide. Join at http://goo.gl/Td5q7
  14. To alleviate poverty and hunger at the local level, communities host food drives. A food drive, in Hackensack, New Jersey plans to raise enough food to feed over 40,000 people. http://goo.gl/LR8u3

    What actions have you taken to help alleviate poverty and hunger in your community?
    Photo: To alleviate poverty and hunger at the local level, communities host food drives. A food drive, in Hackensack, New Jersey plans to raise enough food to feed over 40,000 people. http://goo.gl/LR8u3 

What actions have you taken to help alleviate poverty and hunger in your community?
  15. Today, International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, is a day to acknowledge those living in poverty and the efforts of building a sustainable future for all people. What is most needed to eradicate poverty?

    A - Contribution from all
    B - Opportunity for all
    C - Knowledge
    D - Other: Tell us what you think!
    Photo: Today, International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, is a day to acknowledge those living in poverty and the efforts of building a sustainable future for all people. What is most needed to eradicate poverty?

A - Contribution from all 
B - Opportunity for all
C - Knowledge
D - Other: Tell us what you think!
  16. Happy World Food Day! This year’s theme is “Agricultural Cooperatives: Key to Feeding the World.” Cooperatives (co-ops) put people at the heart of their business. By joining forces, members of a co-op can benefit by sharing materials, experience and other resources.

    How have you worked with others in order to achieve collective results?
    Photo: Happy World Food Day!  This year’s theme is “Agricultural Cooperatives: Key to Feeding the World.”  Cooperatives (co-ops) put people at the heart of their business. By joining forces, members of a co-op can benefit by sharing materials, experience and other resources. 

How have you worked with others in order to achieve collective results?
  17. Getting to the root of the issue, Feed the Future - an organization that focuses on long-term solutions to food stability – received $1 billion to improve nutrition worldwide. http://goo.gl/h6HhM

    Why is it important to look for the source of a challenge to find a solution?
    Photo: Getting to the root of the issue, Feed the Future - an organization that focuses on long-term solutions to food stability – received $1 billion to improve nutrition worldwide.  http://goo.gl/h6HhM 

Why is it important to look for the source of a challenge to find a solution?
  18. Proving that fundraising can be fun, the Hillside, New Jersey community held a competition for donated canned goods to be built into structures under the theme “Back to School.” Check out more of the photos at http://goo.gl/mlurw

    Do you think being creative leads to more participation?
    Photo: Proving that fundraising can be fun, the Hillside, New Jersey community held a competition for donated canned goods to be built into structures under the theme “Back to School.”  Check out more of the photos at http://goo.gl/mlurw  

Do you think being creative leads to more participation?
  19. International Day of Rural Women, first celebrated in 2008, is a time to realize the important role women play in economical and social development. http://goo.gl/CLkDP
    In what ways do women contribute to your community? To your life?
    International Day of Rural Women, first celebrated in 2008, is a time to realize the important role women play in economical and social development. http://goo.gl/CLkDP
    In what ways do women contribute to your community? To your life?
    Photo: International Day of Rural Women, first celebrated in 2008, is a time to realize the important role women play in economical and social development. http://goo.gl/CLkDP
In what ways do women contribute to your community? To your life?
  20. Today in History: Martin Luther King, Jr. wins the Nobel Peace Prize http://goo.gl/HVlCE

    Who do you think is the most memorable prize winner?
    Photo: Today in History: Martin Luther King, Jr. wins the Nobel Peace Prize http://goo.gl/HVlCE

Who do you think is the most memorable prize winner?
  21. Congratulations to this year's Nobel Prize winners! See the list of winners at http://goo.gl/LBmro. Do you think it is important to have international awards? Why?
    Photo: Congratulations to this year's Nobel Prize winners!  See the list of winners at http://goo.gl/LBmro.  Do you think it is important to have international awards? Why?
  22. Do you think argument and debate skills are good to have? Why?

    Check out here: http://goo.gl/qCZXF how high school students from Houston, Texas formed a debate team and take on the issues of today.
    Photo: Do you think argument and debate skills are good to have? Why?

Check out here: http://goo.gl/qCZXF  how high school students from Houston, Texas formed a debate team and take on the issues of today.
  23. If you could elect the next president who would it be and why?

    The 2012 U.S. presidential election campaign cycle is at full speed! Join us in a webchat with former Congressmen Larry LaRocco and Scott Klug to share your thoughts, ask questions, and get an insider's perspective on the U.S. elections from two former members of Congress! Click here to participate: http://goo.gl/XZdm0
    Join us in a webchat to share your thoughts, ask questions, and get an insider's perspective on the U.S. elections. Click here to participate: http://goo.gl/XZdm0
    Photo: Join us in a webchat to share your thoughts, ask questions, and get an insider's perspective on the U.S. elections. Click here to participate: http://goo.gl/XZdm0
  24. Why is it important to have a sense of humor?

    Happy Birthday, Saturday Night Live! Today in history: Saturday Night Live premiers in 1975. The live broadcast show is full of spoofs, parodies, and the ever-classic Weekend Update. The show’s influence has played a growing role in politics, as seen in the 2008 elections.
    Saturday Night Live, which premiered in 1975, hosts celebrities and political figures in their parodies and skits. Here, Secretary Clinton is with Amy Poehler, can you guess which one is which?
    Photo: Saturday Night Live, which premiered in 1975, hosts celebrities and political figures in their parodies and skits.  Here, Secretary Clinton is with Amy Poehler, can you guess which one is which?
  25. Today is International Day of the Girl! This is a day to “to help galvanize worldwide enthusiasm for goals to better girls’ lives, providing an opportunity for them to show leadership and reach their full potential.” In what ways has someone helped you reach your full potential?

    Celebrate by welcoming our new sister page AlAmreekania Alammerakaneh http://goo.gl/KeHPL
  26. “A genius is the one most like himself” – Thelonious Monk

    Happy Birthday, Thelonious Monk! The famous jazz musician is a founding father of modern jazz. Watch this video of him performing “Round About Midnight” at http://goo.gl/ZwuGV
    “A genius is the one most like himself” – Thelonious Monk

    Thelonious Monk, born on October 10th, is a famous jazz musician and a founding father of modern jazz. Watch this video of him performing “Round About Midnight” at http://goo.gl/ZwuGV
    Photo: “A genius is the one most like himself” – Thelonious Monk

Thelonious Monk, born on October 10th, is a famous jazz musician and a founding father of modern jazz. Watch this video of him performing “Round About Midnight” at http://goo.gl/ZwuGV
  27. Which do you think is more exciting: coming to the U.S. to teach or to study?

    Join us in a free online discussion about academic study and teaching opportunities in the USA! Robin Lerner, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Private Sector Exchange, will talk about J-1 visa programs for students and teachers at 12:30 UTC at http://goo.gl/8AX60
    Which do you think is more exciting: coming to the U.S. to teach or to study?

    Join us in a free online discussion about academic study and teaching opportunities in the USA! Robin Lerner, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Private Sector Exchange, will talk about J-1 visa programs for students and teachers at 12:30 UTC at http://goo.gl/8AX60
    Photo: Which do you think is more exciting: coming to the U.S. to teach or to study?

Join us in a free online discussion about academic study and teaching opportunities in the USA! Robin Lerner, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Private Sector Exchange, will talk about J-1 visa programs for students and teachers at 12:30 UTC at http://goo.gl/8AX60
  28. During his U.S. tour, the Dalai Lama stopped in Hawai’i and spoke with locals about the community’s initiative"Pillars of Peace Hawai'i: Building Peace on a Foundation of Aloha." Watch the video here: http://goo.gl/ig2JN

    Why is it important for a community to gather around a common goal?
    This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness. – Dalai Lama
    Photo: This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness. – Dalai Lama
  29. Today in History: Washington Monument opens in 1888
    Which of these do you think is true?
    -The inside of the memorial is lined with 193 commemorative stones from around the world
    - Construction took 16 years to complete over a span of 36 years
    - Fastest known ascent time (time to get to the top) via stairs is 6.7 minutes
    Today in History: Washington Monument opens in 1888
    Which of these do you think is true?
    -The inside of the memorial is lined with 193 commemorative stones from around the world
    - Construction took 16 years to complete over a span of 36 years
    - Fastest known ascent time (time to get to the top) via stairs is 6.7 minutes

    (Photo: NPS)
    Photo: Today in History: Washington Monument opens in 1888
Which of these do you think is true?
-The inside of the memorial is lined with 193 commemorative stones from around the world
- Construction took 16 years to complete over a span of 36 years
- Fastest known ascent time (time to get to the top) via stairs is 6.7 minutes

(Photo: NPS)
  30. Columbus Day Celebrated - In 1492, Columbus sailed the Ocean blue.

    Check out the history of Columbus Day and how it is celebrated in America: http://goo.gl/OUI4z
    Photo: Columbus Day Celebrated - In 1492, Columbus sailed the Ocean blue.  

Check out the history of Columbus Day and how it is celebrated in America: http://goo.gl/OUI4z
  31. This week marks the 2012 Nobel Prize Announcements in the categories of Peace, Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Literature, and Economic Sciences.

    Do you think there should be another Nobel Prize Awarded? For what?
    Photo: This week marks the 2012 Nobel Prize Announcements in the categories of Peace, Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Literature, and Economic Sciences.  

Do you think there should be another Nobel Prize Awarded?  For what?
  32. Adelante Chicas, a program for young Latinas, has shown girls like Ariadna Covarrubias, how to overcome fears, make connections and reach for goals: http://goo.gl/MbVBY

    If you were to lead a community program, what would it involve?
    Photo: Adelante Chicas, a program for young Latinas, has shown girls like Ariadna Covarrubias, how to overcome fears, make connections and reach for goals: http://goo.gl/MbVBY

 If you were to lead a community program, what would it involve?
  33. A year after his passing, Steve Jobs lives on in more than spirit. Watch Apple’s touching tribute video here. http://goo.gl/aCAAM

    How did Steve teach you to “Think Different?”
    Photo: A year after his passing, Steve Jobs lives on in more than spirit. Watch Apple’s touching tribute video here. http://goo.gl/aCAAM

How did Steve teach you to “Think Different?”
  34. World Teachers' Day - What is one word to describe your most memorable teacher?
    Photo: World Teachers' Day - What is one word to describe your most memorable teacher?
  35. English Idiom: Making the grade - Someone or something that makes the grade reaches the standard expected or required.

    What makes you reach beyond expectations?
    Photo: English Idiom: Making the grade - Someone or something that makes the grade reaches the standard expected or required.

What makes you reach beyond expectations?
  36. “The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.”

    What do you think of this quote by William Arthur Ward?
    Photo: “The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.”

What do you think of this quote by William Arthur Ward?