Day 29: See how Americans' tax dollars are being spent

On February 17, President Obama signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, a $787 billion plan aimed at strengthening the American economy. Americans’ taxes help pay for this large economic stimulus.

“This is your money. You have a right to know where it’s going and how it’s being spent,” says the front page of a new Web site, This Web site is like none other in the U.S. government – it allows Americans to see exactly who is receiving federal funds and how they are spending them.

“As the centerpiece of the president’s commitment to transparency and accountability, will feature information on how the act is working, tools to help you hold the government accountable and up-to-date data on the expenditure of funds,” the Web site says.

Take a look at the site and let First 100 Days know what you think about it!

2 thoughts on “Day 29: See how Americans' tax dollars are being spent

  1. The Recovery and Reinvestment Act sounds like a great idea on paper. If implemented correctly it may significantly improve our countries financial situation as well make impact on a global level.

    I welcome it with open arms, good to see Obama is sticking to his word on improving current situations.

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  2. The Recovery and Reinvestment Act sounds like a great idea on paper.

    If implemented correctly it may significantly improve our countries financial situation as well make impact on a global level.