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Diplomats, Government Officials, and Employees of International Organizations traveling on official business.

For more detailed information please go to  Bureau of Consular Affairs (CA) page.

Applicants or couriers may drop off applications at the U.S. Embassy, between 2:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, Excluding Holidays. Only complete applications including all necessary supporting documentation will be accepted. If the application is complete, it will be processed and available to pick up the following business day at 15:00. There is no application or issuance fee for official or diplomatic visas.

Contact Information:
Phone: +389 2 310-2000 (0 -for Switchboard Operator);
Fax: +389 2 310-2299
E-mail address: Consular Section

Visa Processing: All applicants must include the following items:

  • A passport valid for at least 6 months after the intended arrival date in the United States.
  • A completed and submitted electronic visa application form DS-160
  • One full-face photo not older than six months.

For all A and G visa applicants a Diplomatic Note from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA), or the international organization is required.

Diplomatic Visas: With the exception of a Head of State, or Government who qualifies for an A-1 visa regardless of his/her purpose of visit to the United States, the type of visa required by a diplomat or Government official depends upon the reason for entering the United States.

To qualify for an A-1 or A-2 visa, the individual concerned must be traveling to the United States on behalf of his or her national government to engage solely in official activities for that government. The fact that there may be government interest or control in a given organization is not in itself the defining factor in determining whether or not the applicant qualifies for an A visa; the particular duties or services to be performed must also be of an inherently governmental character or nature. Local government officials representing their state, province, borough, or other local political entity do not qualify for "A" visa status; they require B-1/B-2 visas. They do not qualify for diplomatic visas.

Important note: Foreign officials traveling to the United States on official business must obtain an "A" visa prior to their entry. They cannot travel on tourist or business visas.

Immediate family members are defined as the spouse and unmarried sons and daughters of any age who are members of the household. Partners who are recognized as the principal alien's dependant by the sending government, while not eligible for derivative A visas, but may apply for B-1/B-2 visas, if otherwise qualified. B-1/B-2 visa applicants are required to pay visa application and reciprocal issuance fees, if applicable.

International Organizations and NATO Visas

An application for a G visa cannot be processed without an official request from the appropriate international organization. For the United Nations, the request must be sent directly to the Embassy. You may confirm receipt by emailing to, or by fax 389 2 310 2299 to the attention of the Nonimmigrant Section before applying for a visa.

International Organizations: To qualify for a G visa the individual concerned must be entering the United States in pursuance of official duties. Members of a permanent mission of a recognized government to an international organization are eligible for G-1 visas; representatives of a recognized government traveling to the United States temporarily to attend meetings of a designated international organization are eligible for G-2 visa and representatives of non-recognized or non-member governments are eligible for G-3 visas; G-4 visas are issued to individual personnel who are proceeding to the United States to take up an appointment at a designated international organization, including the United Nations.

Immediate family members are defined as the spouse and unmarried sons and daughters of any age who are members of the household. Partners who are recognized as the principal alien's dependent by the sending government, while not eligible for derivative A visas, may apply for B-1/B-2 visas, if otherwise qualified. Application procedures are the same as for the principal applicant.

Domestic employees of diplomatic/official visa holders may, under certain conditions, obtain A-3 or G-5 visas. Applicants who are employees of the United Nations traveling on official business to the United Nations Headquarters in the United States must provide the following:

Additional Required Documents:

  1. UN Laissez-Passer AND a passport issued by the applicant's country of nationality.
  2. Letter from the UN Chief of Transportation detailing applicant's itinerary.
  3. A completed and submitted electronic visa application form DS-160
  4. One full-face photo not older than six months.

NATO: An alien shall be classified under the symbol NATO-1, NATO-2, NATO-3, NATO-4, or NATO-5 if he or she is seeking admission to the United States under the applicable provision of the Agreement on the Status of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, National Representatives and International Staff, or is a member of the immediate family of an alien classified NATO-1 through NATO-5. However, many armed forces personnel are exempt from passport and visa requirements if they are either attached to NATO Allied Headquarters in the United States and are traveling on official business, or are entering the United States under NATO Status of Forces Agreement. In the case of the latter, they must carry official military ID cards and NATO travel orders.

Immediate family members are defined as the spouse and unmarried sons and daughters of any age who are members of the household. Partners who are recognized as the principal alien's dependent by the sending government, while not eligible for derivative A visas, may apply for B-1/B-2 visas, if otherwise qualified. Application procedures are the same as for the principal applicant. If accompanying a spouse on NATO travel orders, the spouse and children should apply for NATO-2 visas. 

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