USGS Western Ecological Research Center

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Central Valley Waterfowl

Release of radiotagged pintails at Llano Seco NWR.
Changing agricultural practices and conservation programs such as the Central Valley Joint Venture (CVJV) have altered the landscape of the Central Valley of California, one of the most important waterfowl wintering areas in the world.  Habitat goals of the CVJV and other conservation programs require up-to-date knowledge of ecology of waterfowl and their habitats.  Management on many lands has changed, including flooding rather than burning rice stubble, wetland restoration and enhancement and establishment of new National Wildlife Refuges (NWRs), California Wildlife Areas (WAs), and Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) preserves.  The response of waterfowl to these changes is unknown and managers of the CVJV and other habitat conservation efforts need this information so their future efforts provide optimum benefit to the waterfowl resource and those who enjoy it. This multi-phase project has and is using a variety of methods during 1997-present to assess impacts of the CVJV and other managment actions on waterfowl and their habitats and aid habitat conservation planning.  This works includes: 1) Aerial surveys to assess wintering waterfowl distribution , 2) Radiotelemetry to describe Identify wintering northern pintail, mallard and white-fronted goose movement patterns and use of specific feeding and roosting sites, 3) Radiotelemetry to determine if wintering northern pintails, mallards and white-fronted geese have changed their use of wetland and agricultural habitat types in the Central Valley during the last decade,  4) Radiotelemetry to evaluate impacts of landscape changes on survival of wintering waterfowl, 5) Remote sensing and surveys to measure changes in waterfowl habitat availability and distribution, and 6) Targeted collections and hunter check station sampling to evaluate impacts of landscape changes on body condition of wintering waterfowl.

USGS Contact For This Project
Joseph Fleskes
(530) 669-5074
Dixon Field Station
800 Business Park Drive, Suite D
Dixon, CA 95620
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