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U.S.-Canada Relations
Riverfront Park in Windsor, with the Skyline of Detroit as background

Riverfront Park in Windsor, with the Skyline of Detroit as background

The United States and Canada share two borders and their bilateral relationship is among the closest and most extensive in the world. It is reflected in the high volume of bilateral trade -- the equivalent of $1.6 billion a day in goods -- as well as in people-to-people contact. About 300,000 people cross between the countries every day by all modes of transport. In fields ranging from security and law enforcement to environmental protection to free trade, the two countries work closely on multiple levels from federal to local. (Overview of the Canada-US Relationship)

Beyond The Border: A Shared Vision

  • Beyond The Border: A Shared Vision

War of 1812 Bicentennial

  • War of 1812 Bicentennial