Womack Army Medical Center
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Commanders and First SGT Information Page

     (1) Soldier Readiness Clinic (SRC) – The primary mission of the SRC is to conduct pre-deployment/post deployment screenings for overseas contingency operations, Post Deployment Health Reassessments (PDHRA), & Annual Medical Readiness screening.  The purpose of the screenings is to identify and update Soldier’s Individual Medical Readiness (IMR).  Overall responsibility for Soldier readiness processing belongs to the Ft. Bragg Installation Commander.  Therefore, all services/appointments are scheduled through the Garrison schedulers at 907-9264/8307.  Processing is conducted IAW the Pre-Deployment Practice Guidelines (PPG), which are updated regularly to reflect the current state of knowledge regarding medical threats to our operational forces world-wide.  Upon arrival for processing please ensure that all Soldiers arrive with a current copy of their SGLI & DD93 from S1, current copy of their family care plan if applicable, their complete medical record (along with the DD2766 insert in the medical records), a current copy of any profile, and if they wear glasses, insure they have them (no contacts lens wear for vision screening is authorized).  For pre-deployment, everyone must provide a signed document that they have attended the Smallpox/Anthrax Briefing, Further information can be obtained upon scheduling with Garrison schedulers.  Any medical questions should be addressed to SRC Manager at 907-9274.  The SRC also provides medical screening for civilian personnel who are deploying overseas in support of OEF/OIF. Contact Garrison schedulers for the required documents and processing times.

     (2)  Medical One-Stop (MOS) – MOS is located in the basement level of the Soldier Support Center on Normandy Drive.  Its primary mission is to provide general medical screening to Soldiers arriving and departing Ft. Bragg.  In addition, MOS is where Soldiers returning from deployment may have their Post Deployment Health Reassessment (PDHRA) completed.  MOS’s scope of service includes health record review, a Periodic Health Assessment (PHA), MEDPROS documentation and update, HIV testing, DNA collection, routine adult immunizations, vision screening exams, hearing exams, routing medical records to assigned clinics, and screening for PDHRA if needed for those between 90-180 days after returning from a combat zone.  The clinic is divided into two sections: (1) Post in-processing/out-processing, and (2) PDHRA.  Additionally, MOS provides information on the Bone Marrow Program (BMP).  Each soldier is asked if they would like to participate in the BMP.  If they are interested, then we guide them in the right direction.    

     (3)  Physical Exams Section (PES) – The PES is Womack Army Medical Center’s (WAMC) one-stop clinic for all Soldier physical examinations.  The Physical Exam Clinic is conveniently located on the first floor of WAMC just inside the All American Road entrance.   The Physical Exams Section conducts the following exams: School Physicals, Airborne, Jumpmaster, Pathfinder, OCS, Warrant Officer, Ranger, Special Forces, SERE, and DODMERB.  Physical Exams also provides ETS, Chapter, and Retirement physicals.  All patients over the age of 40 will require a two phase physical.  For patients under the age of 40, physicals can be completed in one phase, provided all labs are completed and there are no referrals required.  A completed copy of all physical exams will be available within 5-7 working days after your appointment.

     (4) Integrated Disability Evaluation System (IDES)
  Integrated Disability Evaluation System (IDES) The MEB Section is the primary location where Soldiers in the  Ft. Bragg, region, with potentially duty-limiting medical problems are evaluated thoroughly and their cases prepared for the Medical Evaluation Board.  Soldiers with potentially service-disqualifying conditions (per AR 40-501) who receive a physical profile (DA 3349) with a recommendation for a MEB are referred to the MEB Profiling Officer.  If, based on a review of the available records the potentially disqualifying condition/s has/have been reasonably worked up, and there are no other unresolved medical problems pending, the Soldier is brought into the MEB Section where he or she will meet with a provider who will conduct a physical examination and review the case in great detail.  Additional consults and tests may be ordered in order to complete the case.  Once the physical exam and any additional consults/tests are completed, the Soldier’s temporary profile is converted to a permanent profile (DA 3349) and presented to the Deputy Commander for Clinical Services (DCCS) for approval along with a narrative summary (NARSUM) that reflects the entire picture of the Soldier’s problems.  This NARSUM is then reviewed by the DCCS, and if approved, is sent to the Physical Evaluation Board (PEB) for adjudication.  The PEB returns one of three results: (1) Return to duty, (2) Separate with disability/severance, or (3) Place on TDRL.    Entry into the MEB process is by referral only from the Primary Care provider.  Only those cases that are ready to begin the process are allowed to proceed.  If the Soldier is found “not ready” for entry in the MEB process then a coordinator will be assigned to this individual who will help facilitate any appointments or consults necessary before entering the Physical Disability Evaluation Process.

          b. Physical Evaluation Board Liaison Officer (PEBLO)

          c. VACPE
Veterans Administration Compensation and Pension Examinations (CPE).  Starting 1 March 2010, Ft. Bragg became the latest Army installation to incorporate the VA-DoD CPE program.  Soldiers undergoing the MEB process have their VA CPE completed in conjunction with the MEB.  The goal is to reduce the time it takes to begin VA benefits, if any, when the Soldier leaves the service, by starting the VA claims process while they are still on Active Duty. 

     (5) Medical Management Center (MMC)
In support of the Army's high operation tempo, the MMC Program was established to help the Army maintain readiness by ensuring wounded, ill and injured Soldiers have the support they need to manage their Medically-Not-Ready Soldiers. MMC staff provides a well-coordinated care experience for Medically Not Ready Soldiers and interact directly with the Soldier, the chain of command and the military treatment facility. We facilitate the medical management processes to help decrease Soldiers recovery time, decrease the length of time the Soldiers cannot perform their duties and decrease the timeline for identifying the Soldiers medical retention determination point.

 New Operations through MEB

What Commanders can do to ensure that the MEB Process runs smoothly.

***Ensure Soldiers are available for and make their medical appointments.***

Provide information, statements and records on Soldiers of their command being processed by the MEB, when these are requested.