Office of the Chief Information Officer

United States Department of Agriculture

Records Group 016

Welcome to the Official File Plan Office of the Secretary of Agriculture. Record Group 016

1000 Organization, Authorities, & Functions

1100-Management Improvement
1200-Program Planning & Evaluation
1300-External Relations
1400-Public Affairs
1500-Legal Affairs & Proceedings
1600-Facilities & Space Management
1700-Investigations & Audits
1800-Emergency Preparedness & Contingency Planning

2000 Budget Development, Presentation, & Execution
2100-Accounting & Financial Management
2200-Fiscal Management
2300-Transportation & Travel
2400-Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization
2600-Pay & Allowances

3000 Information and Technology Management
3100-Technology Design and Planning
3200-Technology Operations

4000 Human Resources Management
4010-Issuance System and HR Delegations
4020-General Personnel Provisions, Personnel Records,
and Actions
4040-Employee Performance & Development
4050-Position Classification, Pay and Allowances
4060-Attendance and Leave
4070-Personnel Relations
4300-Equal Opportunity
4400-Safety & Health

5000 Procurement & Property Management
5100-Real Property Management
5200-Personal Property Management
5300-Supply Management
5400-Fleet Management
5500-Energy Management
5600-Environmental Protection

9000 U.S. Department of Agriculture Program Files
9000-SEC - Office of the Secretary of Agriculture
9000-ASCR - Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights (ASCR)

9000-NRE -Natural Resources and Environment
(NRE) Mission Area
9000-NRE-FS - Forest Service (FS)
9000-NRE-NRCS - Natural Resources Conservation

9000-FFAS -Farm and Foreign Agricultural Services (FFAS) Mission Area
9000-FFAS-FSA Farm Service Agency (FSA)
9000-FFAS-FAS Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS)
9000-FFAS-RMA Risk Management Agency (RMA)

9000-RD - Rural Development (RD) Mission Area
9000-RD-RUS Rural Utilities Service (RUS)
9000-RD-RHS Rural Housing Service (RHS)
9000-RD-RBS Rural Business Cooperative Service (RBS)
9000-RD-OCD - Office of Community Development (OCD)

9000-FNCS - Food, Nutrition, and Consumer Services (FNCS) Mission Area
9000-FNCS-FNS Food and Nutrition Service (FNS)
9000-FNCS-CNPP Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion (CNPP)

9000-Food Safety Mission Area
9000-FSIS - Food Safety Inspection Service (FSIS)

9000-REE Research, Education, and Economics (REE) Mission Area
9000-REE-ARS Agricultural Research Service (ARS)
9000-REE-CSREES Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service (CSREES)
9000-REE-ERS Economic Research Service (ERS)
9000-REE-NASS National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS)

9000-MRP - Marketing and Regulatory Programs (MRP) Mission Area
9000-MRP-AMS Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS)
9000-MRP-APHIS Animal and Plant Health
Inspection Service

9000-MRP-GIPSA Grain Inspection, Packers and
Stockyards Administration

9000-OFFICES - Offices Mission Area
9000-OFFICES-DA - Departmental Administration (DA)
9000-OFFICES-NAD - National Appeals Division (NAD)
9000-OFFICES-OBPA - Office of Budget
and Program Analysis

9000-OFFICES-OCE - Office of the Chief Economist (OCE)
9000-OFFICES-OCFO Office of the Chief Financial Officer (OCFO)
9000-OFFICES-OCIO Office of the Chief
Information Officer

9000-OCR Office of Congressional Relations (OCR)
9000-OFFICES-OC Office of Communications (OC)
9000-OFFICES-OGC Office of General Counsel (OGC)
9000-OFFICES-OIG Office of the Inspector General (OIG)

This file plan is the sole authority for controlling the preservation and disposition of the records of the organizations identified as part of Record Group 016 - Office of the Secretary of Agriculture. The file plan is based upon the classification system developed for the Departmental Directives System and is functionally rather than organizationally based. It covers administrative records common to the organizations within Record Group 016, and program records that are created and maintained within specific organizations. The alphabetical Subject Index will lead you directly to specific file categories.

If documents are part of a larger case file or recordkeeping system that contains records not covered in a specific file series, that file or system must be scheduled by submitting an SF 115 to NARA. If records covered by more than one item in a series are maintained together in one file or recordkeeping system, the records must be retained for the longest retention period authorized for those items.

The disposition instructions apply to records regardless of physical form or characteristics. Records may be maintained on paper, in microform, or electronically. Dispositions apply, however, only to records that are maintained as described in each item or subitem.

We welcome your comments and suggestions about these pages. For information related to the USDA Records Management Program,please contact Colleen Snyder.