Office of Operations Freight Management and Operations
photos of truck, cargo ship, airplane and freight train
Office of Operations  -  21st century operations using 21st century technologies

Professional Development

Efficient freight movement is a foundational underpinning of our nation's economic strength. Enabling transportation professionals to improve their skills and knowledge to fully integrate freight movement into our transportation systems' development and operation is the objective of the FHWA's Freight Professional Development (FPD) Program.

The FPD Program assists state DOT, MPO, and local agency staffs with gaining the skills and knowledge necessary to meet the challenges arising from the increasing flow of freight on the nation's transportation system. Meeting this challenge requires an understanding among the various stakeholders, including transportation professionals, practitioners and policymakers, of not only how freight uses and affects the transportation system but, more importantly, why freight is important.

Planning for Progress provides an overview of intermodal freight transportation and addresses why it is important for decision-makers, public transportation planners and other transportation professionals to integrate freight in their local, State, and multi-jurisdictional planning and investment decisions.

How freight moves through the supply chain is shown in the video "Keeping the Global Supply Chain Moving" [video and transcript].

The FPD Program offers a broad range of professional capacity building opportunities, including course workshops, seminars, and peer-to-peer exchanges. It provides access to information, resources, and tools that improve the understanding of how freight moves across our transportation network and how best to enable that movement while minimizing its impacts.

A description of what FHWA is doing to build freight capacity and many of the options available is in the brochure "Building Freight Professional Capacity in the 21st Century."

FPD Program Core Elements

The FPD Program consists of five major elements that will be used to reach the target audiences. Each element is crucial to meeting program goals and objectives.

Staff Contacts

Crystal Jones

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Office of Operations