Home Missions Technical Assistance

Technical Assistance

IWR offers technical assistance in the following areas:

Program Direction

  • Water Resource Trends and Emerging Issues
  • Support on CW Strategic Plan
  • Policy Development Support
  • National Studies

Problem Solving

  • Investment Decision Support Methods and Models
  • Multi-Objective/Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM)
  • Plan Formulation
  • Socio-Economic Analyses
  • Environmental Evaluation
  • Global Climate Change
  • Technical Assistance and Capacity Development


  • Collaborative Planning
  • Public Involvement
  • Alternative Dispute Resolution
  • National Interface
  • International Outreach

H&H Methods and Models

  • Surface Hydrology
  • Hydrologic Statistics
  • River Hydraulics
  • Ecosystem Function Models
  • River Forecasting
  • Reservoir Systems and Water Management

Waterborne Commerce Statistics

  • Foreign Trade
  • Domestic Commerce

Navigation Infrastructure

Dredging and Lock Performance

Civil Works Business Information

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