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Industry Profiles by State

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MBDA's analysis of data from the U.S. Census Bureau's 2007 Special Tabulation on Minority Firms based on data from the 2002 Survey of Business Owners.

United States by Industry

Produced by the Research and Knowledge Management Unit, March 2010.

Please find the state profiles below in alphabetical order.

Alabama by Industry.pdf28.81 KB
Alaska by Industry.pdf28.68 KB
Arizona by Industry.pdf28.66 KB
Arkansas by Industry.pdf28.48 KB
California by Industry.pdf28.75 KB
Colorado by Industry.pdf28.76 KB
Connecticut by Industry.pdf19.86 KB
Delaware by Industry.pdf28.4 KB
District of Columbia by Industry.pdf28.49 KB
Florida by Industry.pdf28.87 KB
Georgia by Industry.pdf28.77 KB
Hawaii by Industry.pdf28.53 KB
Idaho by Industry.pdf19.75 KB
Illinois by Industry.pdf28.74 KB
Indiana by Industry.pdf28.63 KB
Iowa by Industry.pdf28.4 KB
Kansas by Industry.pdf28.51 KB
Kentucky by Industry.pdf28.64 KB
Louisiana by Industry.pdf28.66 KB
Maine by Industry.pdf28.32 KB
Maryland by Industry.pdf28.61 KB
Massachusetts by Industry.pdf28.65 KB
Michigan by Industry.pdf28.53 KB
Minnesota by Industry.pdf28.66 KB
Mississippi by Industry.pdf28.56 KB
Missouri by Industry.pdf28.67 KB
Montana by Industry.pdf28.41 KB
Nebraska by Industry.pdf28.53 KB
Nevada by Industry.pdf28.58 KB
New Hampshire by Industry.pdf28.42 KB
New Jersey by Industry.pdf28.78 KB
New Mexico by Industry.pdf28.63 KB
New York by Industry.pdf28.72 KB
North Carolina by Industry.pdf28.83 KB
North Dakota by Industry.pdf28.42 KB
Ohio by Industry.pdf28.66 KB
Oklahoma by Industry.pdf28.6 KB
Oregon by Industry.pdf28.61 KB
Pennsylvania by Industry.pdf28.69 KB
Rhode Island by Industry.pdf28.5 KB
South Carolina by Industry.pdf28.66 KB
South Dakota by Industry.pdf28.41 KB
Tennessee by Industry.pdf28.56 KB
Texas by Industry.pdf28.83 KB
Utah by Industry.pdf28.54 KB
Vermont by Industry.pdf28.35 KB
Virginia by Industry.pdf28.59 KB
Washington by Industry.pdf28.6 KB
West Virginia by Industry.pdf28.39 KB
Wisconsin by Industry.pdf28.6 KB
Wyoming by Industry.pdf28.44 KB
United States by Industry.pdf28.95 KB

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