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Trainings Catalog

OVC TTAC offers trainings in several different formats: online, a week-long Academy, and 2-3 day sessions. Most trainings offer Continuing Education Units (CEUs).

National Victim Assistance Academy

A week-long Academy comprised of education and skill-based classroom trainings for those who assist victims and survivors of crime.

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Show/Hide Summary Track 1: Foundation Level Training 1 week 3.2 CEUs Instructor-led
Track 1, Foundation-Level Training, is a general training for those who have less than 3 years of experience serving crime victims. The goal of the foundation-level training is to provide entry-level professionals and volunteers with skills, knowledge, and resources to serve victims and survivors of crime more effectively.
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Show/Hide Summary Track 2: Professional Skill-Building Institute 1 week 3.4 CEUs Instructor-led
Track 2, Professional Skill-Building Institute, is designed to build skills and address several timely topics that confront victim service providers on a daily basis and that have direct impact on service providers’ work with victims. The training is targeted for those who have been in the victim services field for at least 2 years.
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Show/Hide Summary Track 3: Leadership Institute 1 week 3.3 CEUs Instructor-led
Track 3, Leadership Institute, consists of courses on management issues, for example, leadership and strategic planning. Track 3 is intended to help victim service administrators and leaders develop and refine the skills and abilities needed to manage and sustain their victim service programs.
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Training by Request

Comprehensive and practical skill-building curricula delivered by OVC subject matter experts and TTA consultants.

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Show/Hide Summary Compassion Fatigue/Vicarious Trauma 2 Days 1.1 CEUs Instructor-led
This training will explore self-care techniques as well as strategies managers can use to help ensure balance and self-care for those that they supervise. By participating in case studies, role-playing, and other interactive exercises, you will learn how to recognize the symptoms of compassion fatigue and vicarious trauma, develop resilience and healthy coping skills, and create a professional and personal care plan to minimize the risk of compassion fatigue in your work.
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Show/Hide Summary Curriculum Design for Victim Service Providers 2 Days 1.4 CEUs Instructor-led
This training is appropriate for individuals who design and deliver curricula, who are involved in the planning and development of training, or have some background in either adult education or instructional design. In this 2-day training you will first listen to skills-based lectures, then practice what you have learned in large-group activities, and end by creating a training module for your own organization. The goal is to strengthen your abilities to design, implement, and evaluate your training programs.
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Show/Hide Summary DNA in Sexual Assault Cases:
The Role of Law Enforcement, SAFE/SANE Nurses, and Victim Advocates
2 Days 1.3 CEUs Instructor-led
This training is intended for law enforcement officers, SAFE/SANE medical personnel, and victim advocates to help strengthen collaboration in a team response, from the initial crime scene to prosecution of sexual assault cases. During the training participants will identify and collect DNA evidence at a simulated crime scene.
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* If you are considering offering this training as a Training by Request (TBR), please note that two additional training rooms will be required for a training
  activity on the afternoon of the second training day.
Show/Hide Summary Enforcing Victims’ Rights 2 Days 1.3 CEUs Instructor-led
This training provides a comprehensive overview of crime victims’ rights and the advocate’s role in enforcing those rights. In this interactive training you will analyze a hypothetical case scenario and actively explore how victims’ rights can be exercised during pretrial proceedings, during trial, and in relation to sentencing, parole, and other post trial proceedings. Participants will develop an individual action plan for applying the new information to their own organizations so that victims will better understand their legal rights and the actions they can take to enforce those rights.
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Show/Hide Summary Grant Writing and Other Funding Strategies for Victim Service Providers 2 Days 1.4 CEUs Instructor-led
This training is designed for professionals working in victim service organizations that rely at least in part on grant funding. The goal of this training is to provide the information and skills you need to identify grant opportunities, write successful proposals, and navigate the federal funding process and basics of grant management. A walk-through of federal funding Web sites and practice working with scenarios and a sample case study will keep you fully engaged and motivated.
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Show/Hide Summary Identifying and Responding to Elder Abuse 2 Days 1.3 CEUs Instructor-led
This training is designed for victim advocates and other allied professionals. Through interactive exercises you will learn to recognize the risk factors for and indicators of elder abuse among older persons; name the types of elder abuse, relevant statutes, and responsibilities of a mandated reporter; and intervene appropriately and collaborate with other organizations and agencies involved with elder abuse. You will also practice techniques for communicating with older adults, explore the challenges and benefits of working on a multidisciplinary team, and develop a blueprint for collaboration based on a case study.
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Show/Hide Summary Leadership in Victim Services 2 Days 1.3 CEUs Instructor-led
This training is designed specifically for victim service professionals, both current and potential program managers. You will learn about yourself and your own leadership capabilities, leadership principles, and ethical leadership as well as how to promote team development and conflict resolution and how to manage your initiatives.
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Show/Hide Summary Program Evaluation 2 Days 1.2 CEUs Instructor-led
This training is designed for program managers, directors, or other allied professionals who have primary responsibility for the development, monitoring, and evaluation of direct services and other programming. The user-friendly, interactive exercises give you the information, skills, and tools you need to participate in the planning and implementation of an ongoing evaluation of your programs and services. Improved skills in reporting the results to your various stakeholders can help raise public awareness and attract funding for the services you provide.
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Show/Hide Summary Providing Culturally Competent Services to Victims of Crime 2.5 Days 1.5 CEUs Instructor-led
This training addresses cultural barriers such as stereotyping, value differences, communication styles, and language and interpreter bias, and how they impede effective service delivery to victims of crime from diverse populations. The training is designed for victim advocates as well as law enforcement officers and administrators, prosecutors, and other professionals who work with victims of crime. You will participate in simulations/skits, interactive activities, independent self-assessments and case studies to brainstorm and develop strategies to overcome cultural barriers in your own workplace.
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Show/Hide Summary Serving LGBTQ Survivors of Violence 2 Days 0 CEUs Instructor-led
This training will provide victim advocates and allied professionals with knowledge and skills needed to effectively support and work with LGBTQ-identified people, communities, and survivors, and translate the knowledge and skills into a defined action plan for themselves and their agencies. The training will help participants strengthen their knowledge of the obstacles LGBTQ people experience in seeking victim services and explore how best to overcome or alleviate these obstacles.
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Show/Hide Summary Serving Survivors of Homicide Victims 2 Days 1.4 CEUs Instructor-led
This training begins with interviews of several survivors of homicide victims. They tell their stories of grief, trauma, and ultimately – resilience. The case study of one of the survivors is threaded throughout training to help participants understand how one survivor coped with the devastating grief resulting from the homicide of a family member, and the resilience that helped alleviate the pain and lead to healing.
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* If you are considering offering this training as a Training by Request (TBR), please note that you must arrange a panel discussion.
Show/Hide Summary Sexual Assault Advocate/Counselor Training 2 Days 1.2 CEUs Instructor-led
This training is designed primarily for sexual assault advocates/counselors who are volunteers or staff at rape crisis centers. Others who may benefit include nurses, physicians, law enforcement officers, and professional counselors who do not have specific sexual assault training. Through case studies, role-playing, and other interactive exercises, you will build the basic skills necessary to provide competent, effective crisis intervention services to sexual assault victims/survivors effectively and sensitively.
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Show/Hide Summary Strategic Planning for Victim Service Leaders 2 Days 1.2 CEUs Instructor-led
This training is designed for current and potential program managers who want to learn and practice skills that will help them plan strategically and effectively for their organizations. The training includes modules on the basic steps of strategic planning: getting your organization ready, determining where you want your organization to go, putting the plan into action, and communicating and marketing your plan.
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Show/Hide Summary Strengthening Military-Civilian Community Partnerships to
Respond to Sexual Assault
2 Days 1.1 CEUs Instructor-led
This training is designed for community-based victim service providers, health and medical personnel, law enforcement, and allied professionals. Through video testimonials, discussions, and small group activities, you will develop an understanding of military life and how to work within the military structure to better serve military victims of sexual assault.
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Show/Hide Summary Supporting Children Living with Grief and Trauma: A Multidisciplinary Approach 2 Days 1.3 CEUs Instructor-led
This training is designed for victim advocates who want to develop knowledge and skills to provide appropriate services for children experiencing trauma and grief as a result of violence. You will examine how children perceive death, how they process grief and trauma, and how you can recognize the signs of grief and trauma in children and support their recovery. Using a multidisciplinary team approach, victim service providers, mental health professionals, and law enforcement can improve existing services and create new opportunities to support child living with grief.
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Show/Hide Summary Supporting Crime Victims With Disabilities 3 Days 2.0 CEUs Instructor-led
This training is designed for victim service providers, advocates for people with disabilities, self-advocates, and allied professionals. Using case studies and small group discussions, you will examine the prevalence of crime against people with disabilities, perceptions of the criminal justice system, tenets of the disabilities movement, and the impact of disabilities on daily life. Through collaborative activities you will identify ways the various agencies, organizations, and systems can work together to better serve crime victims with disabilities.
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Show/Hide Summary The Ultimate Trainer 2.5 Days 1.5 CEUs Instructor-led
This training for trainers is just what you need if you develop and deliver training but do not have a formal background or extensive experience in adult education or instructional design. Through interactive exercises and practice sessions, you will strengthen your knowledge and skills to plan, develop, implement, and evaluate high quality training programs. As a practical application you will present a portion of a training and receive feedback on your training skills.
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* If you are considering offering this training as a Training by Request (TBR), please note that a second training room will be required for a training
  activity on the afternoon of the second training day.

Online Trainings

Online interactive trainings for victim service providers and professionals to complete at their convenience.

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Show/Hide Summary Victim Assistance Training Online (VAT Online) 35-40 hours Online
A basic victim advocacy web-based training program that offers victim services providers and allied professionals the opportunity to acquire the basic skills and knowledge they need to better assist victims of crime. Specific information is also provided to meet the needs of target populations.
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Show/Hide Summary Identity Theft Victim Assistance Online Training: Supporting Victims' Financial and Emotional Recovery 3-4 hours Online
A user-friendly e-learning tool that will teach victim service professionals and allied professionals knowledge and skills to more effectively serve victims of identity theft and assist with their financial and emotional recovery.
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OVC TTAC offers live interactive, facilitated training sessions and conferences, which are recorded and transcribed for unlimited access.

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Show/Hide Summary Faith and Community Based Approaches to Victim Services 1 hour Online
This Webinar is intended to increase participants' knowledge of the trauma and dysfunction associated with violence and violent crime occurring in homes and throughout communities. Panelists showcase programs that demonstrate innovative approaches to delivering victim services. The Webinar focuses on best practices in working with youth, adults, and families who have been victims of violent acts and the rebuilding process that takes place after surviving such experiences.
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