Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Representing the 1st District of California
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Congressional Internship Application

In preparation to complete this application please make sure you have a cover letter and resume ready (.txt, .doc, .docx, .pdf, .rtf). You'd also need names and addresses of 3 references.

General Information

* indicates information that you need to provide.

Applicant's Contact Information
Applicant's Telephone

What are these options?
This is to help the constituents that are hard of hearing or use a video phone alert us to that fact so we can use the proper technology when we need to call them. The default option “Voice” is a normal audible telephone.

Applicant's Additional Information
Where would you like to work (check all that apply):

Permanent Address (if different)

Emergency Contact Information:

Additional Relevant Information

Skills applicable to internship
Academic Information

If you are currently enrolled in College/University, please answer the following:

Is academic credit available for internships?
Applicant's Cover Letter and Resume:

Your file size can not exceed 500KB. Documents must be the following file types: .doc, .docx, .pdf, .rtf, .txt

Macintosh users: Your document must have a file extension. Resave it using your word processor with the appropriate extension from the above list.